She has the whole world in her hands. What is the most frequently asked question any home schooling family hears ? Without a doubt it has to be, You home school? This is, of course, technically NOT a question, but rather a statement. However, it is poised in such a way that it is most definitely a question. You can almost see the wheels start to turn with what it must be like to be with your kids 24/7, literally. The proper response, of course, is yes I home school, but what you are really thinking is: didn’t the statement I made that prompted the “question” already answer you. Digging for fossils Always the clown I am fortunate enough to run in circles where home schooling very prevalent and sometimes forget the restrictive scheduling non-home schoolers have. What do you mean little Tommy can’t come to a party at 1:00pm on a Monday? That is when the skating rink is the least busy. It seems like the most perfect time for a...