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Showing posts from March, 2013

The Bunch Go To Galveston! Day 1

My last not get in the water above your knees..yes, the smallest two are soaked in very cold salt water! Our campsite, ocean is directly across from us, water hidden by a sand dune.      Okay, every since we have discovered that we can travel frequently with the kids and  not spend a fortune if we camp, we have tried to get away at least every couple of months. This time we decided to start our trip in Galveston and work our way back home. It is (or is SUPPOSE to be a 5 and a half hour trip). We left at 8am and should have arrived right at 2pm, which is check in time for state parks in Texas. We stopped at some very nice rest stops along I- 45. Kudos to you Texas for upgrading the rest stops. They are extremely nice and a wonderful place to let the kids run around. In fact, one even had a very nice playground that we let them stretch their legs at for about 15 minutes. We made great time UNTIL we got to Houston. Lucky us a wreck completely sh...
The Girl Scouts Take Over the Bunch! Our oldest daughter has been in girl scouts since she has been old enough to participate. Every Cookieuary, fomerly known as February, our house becomes cookie central. We spend the better part of one day just picking up, delivering, and sorting over 1100 boxes of cookies. This is a lot of hard work, but also the only fundraiser her troop does for an entire year! The money the girls make fund their trips, snacks, supplies, and any other expense they have for an entire year. I have spent more time set up in front of grocery and home improvement stores than I care to mention, but it is a labor of love. The girl scouts are a great organization and wonderful way for girls to spend their extra time. However, I am very excited that my last day to sit in front of a wal-mart is this weekend. So please support your local scouts and buy a box of cookies for yourself or one for the troops (yes you can do that).       Besides keeping busy with c...