Ft. Davis hike to the top of the mountain. A helped L decorate L's cookie cake. The ride in the car, about 9 hours, was long, but the kids did really well. We listened to books on tape and watched a movie. God bless Red Box! When we first arrived at Fort Davis it had just snowed that morning and it was really cold! We froze that first night even with the heater on full blast! We were also about half a mile from the bathroom, which meant I had to take 3 kids in the middle of the night, while freezing, on a mile round trip hike to pee. What was neat though was that the "wild" javelinas were very domesticated and would wander right up to the campsite. They could even pop open the cooler with their snout. While staying at Ft Davis we went to the Mcdonald's observatory and took a guided tour of the telescopes. It was fun, but the kids were not as interested in it as the adults were. Ft Davis campsite McDonald's Observatory T was picked to move the...