What do you do when the weather is cooler than has ever been recorded in the DFW area for July? You do something outside for sure and thank the Lord Almighty for not scorching us just yet (we all know it's coming). We decided to head to Six Flags for the day. Have you ever been to Six Flags when it didn't smell like melting asphalt and body odor? Yeah, us neither and I will tell you with the high only forecasted to be 78 we were more than willing to find out... and it was AWESOME. Best Six Flags day hands down. We ended up staying for about 9 hours instead of the usual 5 or 6. It was great to leave and not feel like we have been camping for 3 days. A found the cutest pic set up. The kids had so much fun and I really enjoyed not having to worry about them becoming overheated and dehydrated. The youngest decided he did not like any of the "big" coasters which was disappointing because he enjoyed them so much last year. My hubby talked the youngest daughter into d...