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Showing posts from December, 2014

The Bunch Wish You a Happy New Year!

We had a wonderful time during the holidays this year. I pray each and everyone of you have a great and wonderful new year. In keeping with tradition each of our children was allowed to open one gift on Christmas Eve after church. T opened his ninja outfit the girls got him. He looks cute doesn't he!  The kids actually slept until 7am this year! Yay! T received Star Wars themed gifts from us, though D has informed me the movies were mostly for him!  My sugar addict daughter asked for the large Jelly Bean mix. It came with 40 different flavors. She was ecstatic. My oldest daughter has become obsessed with Audrey Hepburn. I have no idea where she picked this up since I do not watch any of her stuff, but the blanket is very soft and she loved it. Every year Santa hides clues for the kids to find their last present. They love the treasure hunt and look forward to it each year. They have said that it is there favorite part......I doubt that. They love everything a...

The Bunch are Ready for Christmas

Wow, I am sorry it has been so long  since my last post. We have been very busy getting ready the holiday season. First, T has been losing teeth left and right. Seriously, he has lost 3 teeth THIS WEEK and has more loose! I told him if he loses anymore we will have to buy him baby food to eat. T's new toothless grin! T just moved up from his white belt to his gold belt in karate. I was very proud of him because of his entire group he was recognized in front of everyone as having the best form. I usually do not take him to karate so when I went to watch on belt test day I was very pleasantly surprised to see how much better he had become in the past few months. Way to go T! T getting his new belt! I had been working on Indian shirts and a turkey shirt for Thanksgiving. My wonderful husband was willing to let me make him a turkey to contrast our Indians. We wore our outfits to the park for pictures and made more than one jogger smile on turkey day. We spent the day wi...