We have been so very busy and will be extremely busy all summer, but I will get to that in a minute. First, let me catch you up on what the clan has been up to this past month. First off our eldest son, C., switched jobs. He had been making really good money as a used car salesman, but grew really tired of all the hours he had to work, 70 hour weeks were not uncommon. One of his customers owned a construction company and offered him a job. He decided to try it out and so far seems to really like being in control of his schedule and responsible for his own work. He still is renting a house nearby and plans to buy his own next summer. It is hard to believe he will be 23 this fall. He came over this weekend and D helped him build his horse (great dane) a crate. I think it will look really nice when he is done. It will take a crew of men to be able to lift it though! The younger kids finished their PE class and field day was a blast! Except A didn't like that she had t...