Love the views from the deck We had a nice and quiet Easter. It was probably a little too quiet for D. He has been dealing with hearing loss completely in one ear and partially in the other. The ENT is so busy this allergy season that it actually is taking a few days to be able to get in to see the doctor. We usually go to my in laws and have a nice lunch, but with D's ears and other stuff going on, we decided to have an Easter closer to home. We did make the early service at church. This is the first time in a long time we went to service on Easter Sunday. It was insanely packed. It took almost 30 minutes just to leave the parking lot. L only dyed 8 eggs so D and I could each have 2 eggs to dye. It was so sweet and we had fun doing it! L's eggs T spent about 30 minutes dyeing eggs, compared to the 3 hours the girls spent on their eggs. I think they still turned out cute, but the girls' eggs were incredible. A's eggs Her favorite egg, a...