What a difference two weeks, and a really good farrier, can make! Our horse has been doing wonderfully since we were able to get her shoes off and a corrective trim done. It has been great having a rideable horse. She has someone in the saddle for about 45 minutes three times a week. The kids are having a blast. Hopefully soon, we can put a bridle on her and the kids can ride that 45 minutes three times a week without me leading them around. I am just worried that since she is such a big horse and because she sometimes she tries to "coerce" the children into doing what she wants I need to make sure she will listen to them so no one is hurt. She can be pretty pushy now that she feels better. Gwen, the morbidly obese donkey, is doing great and several times a week we will catch her. It takes about 30 minutes of active running from us so that combined with the strict diet and she is starting to look better, but still has a LONG way to go. She is such a sweet...