What a difference two weeks, and a really good farrier, can make! Our horse has been doing wonderfully since we were able to get her shoes off and a corrective trim done. It has been great having a rideable horse. She has someone in the saddle for about 45 minutes three times a week. The kids are having a blast. Hopefully soon, we can put a bridle on her and the kids can ride that 45 minutes three times a week without me leading them around. I am just worried that since she is such a big horse and because she sometimes she tries to "coerce" the children into doing what she wants I need to make sure she will listen to them so no one is hurt. She can be pretty pushy now that she feels better. Gwen, the morbidly obese donkey, is doing great and several times a week we will catch her. It takes about 30 minutes of active running from us so that combined with the strict diet and she is starting to look better, but still has a LONG way to go. She is such a sweet animal though. She is gradually losing her fear of people (since it seems we are constantly out there) and we are starting to see more of her personality.
Turns out that she will get on the deck. |
I am getting a lot of good exercise. |
The kids are loving it though so it is fine. |
The kids are in week 3 of school and volleyball is about to start up again. Unfortunately, A is now too old to play and is bummed about that. She will just get to watch her sister. The good news is that practices are on Thursdays this season so it won't interfere with the camping trips we like to take during the beginning of the week. We think we might skip Branson this year for Christmas since we drove the big Chicago trip in May. A has really wanted to go to Waco to see the Fixer Upper's Silos. Since it is so close, it is looking likely that a visit to Chip and Joanna Gaines' shops are in the cards. I fully plan on waiting in the 2 hour line for one of the cupcakes. Those things look fantastic!
Birthday season is upon us. We are celebrating my 24th birthday anniversary by heading to Top Golf and watching Hallmark movies (my favorite) and the kids plan to go play at the trampoline park with their friends and enjoy a big family bash with all of our family. A is turning 16 this year and T is 11. It is hard to believe how fast time goes. I know I say it every year, but time really does just fly by, especially when you have kids and they keep you so busy. I only have 2 years left before A heads off to college. What an adjustment that will be! It has been awhile since we have had to adjust to a child moving out. It really throws everything off at first, but it is so exciting to watch them become their own person (even if it isn't what you wanted them to do). She is my big helper so she will really be missed. I know she says she is never moving and will live in her room forever, but realistically I know that probably isn't going to happen. We will enjoy the time we have left and hopefully make memories that last forever.
We found 3 baseball size wasp nests on the playset. They are gone now. My husband, the Wasp Slayer, took care of it. |
I asked if she wanted to make a quick cake or something for dessert. 3 hours later she had this gorgeous and delicious cake for us! |
2 years and they finally figured out that we have more than one nesting box! They still all ended up laying in the same box. |
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