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Showing posts from December, 2019

The Bunch are Christmas Ready......Almost

Merry Christmas! It is unbelievable that Christmas is less than one week away.  Today we started the two days of baking that we do each year in order to make yummy treats for our families, friends, co-workers, and neighbors. Now that the children are older and active participants in baking day, it goes by a lot quicker and happier. I was in charge of all the breads this year. I made 6 pumpkin and 6 banana breads. It took all day and now I think I may never want to see sugar or butter ever again, or at least until tomorrow. I mean how could I possibly resist that yummy goodness for more than a day? We have enjoyed our time off school this week and not only baked some wonderful treats, but watched several holiday movies/shows. We have yet to go drive around and look at Christmas lights, but we have a couple of days planned this weekend to do that. The girls have kept their word and Cookie has acted out a Greatest Showman scene on all of their nights to do Cookie. This scene...

The Bunch are EXCITED to Start Our Most Favorite Time of Year!

As anyone who knows me knows, I absolutely LOVE Christmas time.  I am really big on creating family memories and having new experiences. Christmas is such a wonderful time for us to help bless others (though we do this year round also) and enjoy time together at the different festivities. We have already watched at least a dozen, if not more, Hallmark Christmas movies. Cookie, our resident elf on the shelf, has made her nightly appearances and we have our annual baking days coming soon so we may pass out yummy goodies to all of those we appreciate-family, friends, business associates, farrier, etc. We have exactly 2 days left of school and then we are officially on holiday. Yay! Last night we visited a local church that was having a streets of Bethlehem theme. We went to something similar a few years ago in Waxahachie, TX. It was by far bigger than this one and I highly recommend it, but this one was only 15 minutes away not 2.5 hours and it was really well done also...