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The Bunch are EXCITED to Start Our Most Favorite Time of Year!

As anyone who knows me knows, I absolutely LOVE Christmas time.  I am really big on creating family memories and having new experiences. Christmas is such a wonderful time for us to help bless others (though we do this year round also) and enjoy time together at the different festivities. We have already watched at least a dozen, if not more, Hallmark Christmas movies. Cookie, our resident elf on the shelf, has made her nightly appearances and we have our annual baking days coming soon so we may pass out yummy goodies to all of those we appreciate-family, friends, business associates, farrier, etc. We have exactly 2 days left of school and then we are officially on holiday. Yay!

Last night we visited a local church that was having a streets of Bethlehem theme. We went to something similar a few years ago in Waxahachie, TX. It was by far bigger than this one and I highly recommend it, but this one was only 15 minutes away not 2.5 hours and it was really well done also just on a much smaller scale. We were able to experience the night of the birth of Christ by seeing the angel appear to the shepherds, going to pay our taxes to the Romans, shopping in the market -to which I told the girls we would in fact NOT be buying the pregnant goat- and finally seeing Mary seeking shelter in the stable.  The whole experience was about an hour and we really enjoyed it. The kids were amazed at exactly how much larger a full size donkey is compared to our mini--though weight wise they were close, we are working on her diet. I wouldn't be surprised if we rescue another donkey from the kill lot. They are so much easier to care for than horses and Gwen would probably like another little friend to play with. The horse is kind of mean to her.

We also went to one one of the area children's theaters to see a performance of Frozen Jr. As usual it was a fantastic performance. We have such a wonderful experience every time we see a play there. These kids do a fantastic job with costumes and set designs. I wish I could show you pictures, but sadly no photography is allowed because of copyright laws.  I am always amazed at how they are able to pull off some of the special effects. Everyone is in K-12! It is so amazing!

Merry Christmas Everyone! I hope your holiday is as memorable and enjoyable as ours is.
The donkey was larger than we thought.

We had to register to pay our taxes.

The sheep were really woolly and cleaner than I thought they would be.

There sets were great.

The manger.

Spending our money on fruit and bread in the market.

The kids at school.

Roman soldiers patroling the market.

The angel appearing to the shepherds.

Sellers in the market

The Blacksmith


We put up the artificial tree this year, but I have a Christmas tree candle burning-kids think it smells like mustard.

T had Cookie playing basketball.

I had her build snowmen.

The girls are all about doing the Greatest Showman theme. This was the This is Me number.

The Rewrite the Stars number

The This is the Greatest Show number. I can only imagine what the other ones will be. Surely they will run out of songs before Christmas!

The house. D also wrapped a couple of our saplings in the front yard. They look really nice.

You know you live in the country when......


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