As we sit here and prepare to start the next school year, I am starting to wonder if the world is actually any worse than it has always been. We definitely hear about more, thanks to social media sites and complete access to anything at our finger tips, but is it actually worse? In recent memory, we have had the infamous 9/11, Oklahoma bombing, Columbine, and of course now the Colorado shooting in Aurora, along with daily accounts of smaller instances. Since I was not around 50 to 100 years ago, my only ability to understand the past can come from history books and newspapers. I also have to take in to account the population increase and realize that while the overall numbers of violent crimes maybe higher that the percentages when compared to the population increase are about the same. I would venture to say that the world is no worse in violent crimes than it has been, but that as an overall population that we have GREATLY diverged from the reasons this country was founded...