I think we should call it the "Mystery Machine". I can almost hear Scooby. Once upon an early June morning, my daughters and I thought, "how wonderful and fun it would be to repaint and update our camper." We stepped forward with excitement and gusto. Wow. That was a good day. That's all it lasted...one day. We quickly discovered that WAY more was going to have to be done and my husband had to become involved. Instead of a two week redo, this became an almost four month long, several hundred man hour project. We took two and a half of the walls down to the studs and rebuilt them; we put putty tape under EVERY outside screw hole (240 ft to be exact); replaced almost every light with LED lights, including brake lights; we reupholstered couch and dining cushions; we repainted inside and out; I sewed new curtains and privacy drapes; the girls decoupaged the table with places we have visited; D repacked the wheel bearings and mounted the spare (with the new wood...