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The Bunch FINALLY Finish the Camper......almost!

I think we should call it the "Mystery Machine". I can almost hear Scooby.

Once upon an early June morning, my daughters and I thought, "how wonderful and fun it would be to repaint and update our camper." We stepped forward with excitement and gusto. Wow. That was a good day. That's all it day. We quickly discovered that WAY more was going to have to be done and my husband had to become involved. Instead of a two week redo, this became an almost four month long, several hundred man hour project. We took two and a half of the walls down to the studs and rebuilt them; we put putty tape under EVERY outside screw hole (240 ft to be exact); replaced almost every light with LED lights, including brake lights; we reupholstered couch and dining cushions; we repainted inside and out; I sewed new curtains and privacy drapes; the girls decoupaged the table with places we have visited; D repacked the wheel bearings and mounted the spare (with the new wood the spare no longer has to ride on the car roof); D also resealed the entire roof and edges; I replaced the flooring. I am sure there is a lot more I haven't listed, but you get the picture. This WAS NOT a simple update. We worked almost everyday D had off from sun up to dinner time. We worked in soaring heat, terrible humidity, searing sunlight, light rain, and once I think a nice cloudy day. We fought; we cried; we hated the camper......and now we ARE DONE!
I can't believe we are pretty much done.

I really wanted gray for the back wall, but they only had a pale pink, but it actually worked.

We wish we could use this area, but alas it is where the dog goes. Her kennel fits perfectly between the seats.

We usually only have the table up while eating or playing games. I guess I could have made up the beds for a better pic, but that would have required me making the beds.

Only rug Walmart had small enough to fit this space. Reminds me of the pioneer women. Colors work perfectly.

The girls spent an entire day cutting and finding places we have been for this table. Really cute.

I had an old shower curtain we used as an accent drape. The other two drapes are a tan.

                    Ok, not really. We still have to condition the camper canvas and replace the door, but compared to everything else we have done that is minimal. We are out of time before our boy scout camping trip, but it is in the best working order that it has ever been in since we have owned it. The overall finished look is very retro. I like it, but it was completely unplanned. I only bought fabric and paint from clearance bins so we got what they had. I mean why pay $40 a gallon for paint when the whoopsie section is only $9 a gallon for the same just have to use whatever color it was someone else did not want. The privacy drapes are about 4 inches too short, but I just used black out curtains from a thrift store find. The girls are the only ones who really use them so it doesn't bother me much and the idea of anymore sewing anytime soon IS NOT APPEALING! I have spent a lot of "quality' time (read yelling and cursing at my machine) this summer and have absolutely no desire to sew anymore right now. I am happy with how it turned out. I would like to redo the counter top, but for only spending a maximum of 6 - 8 weeks a year in it (during a big travel year) I just don't feel it is worth the effort .

The before....I think I know why the spare fell off.

That is a big mess of wires.

Don't worry he's got this!

We really have a love hate relationship with the camper.

Yep, it needs some love.

I was the one who removed all the decals. It sucked.

Pretty ugly.

Early 2000's décor.... could be 1980's if I didn't know how old the camper actually is.

I think the tape holding the stair together adds a lot.

So much sewing to do.

The girls have managed to win all their volleyball games so far.  I really like the coach. He helps them, but also reminds them it is just a game, something fun for them to do. I think having the pressure of winning removed has made them more relaxed and helped them win. The kids have had horrible allergies this week thanks to the crazy amount of rain we have had. The mold count is through the roof and all of them have been horribly stuffed up and miserable. I hope they are feeling better by game day or they might have a hard time playing while blowing their noses.


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