Thank goodness the grapes stopped it. On May 26, at about 10:30pm, all was quiet at our house. The kids had gone to bed about thirty minutes earlier and D was drifting off. I had literally just turned the TV off, having been assured by the weatherman that all was well and the storm risk had passed us, when my phone started screaming with what I assumed was an amber alert. As I went to just swipe it off, I noticed it said tornado warning Valley View. I yelled for D to get up and went to wake the kids and get them into our hall, which is our safest spot. A and I grabbed a cat carrier and threw both the cats into it and I literally dragged the dog into the hall with her leash. D came join us and about 3 minutes after I got the alert, the tornado hit. We could hear the wind howling and loud crashing sounds. There was no rain with this tornado, unlike our last one so it seemed quieter, but it was actually much stronger. As soon as it passed us after a couple of minutes, I went to look out t...