Woohoo! We had fun. |
This week we FINALLY were able to go to Urban Air in Frisco. Way back in November, I had stumbled upon a black Friday deal for a $100 gift card for only $50. I had planned for T to use it with his friends, but it ended up not working out and I took his friends to Altitude instead. We had tried several times before to go as a family and every time on the day we had planned to go something happened. We were either sick, a game/practice got scheduled, or some other unanticipated craziness happened. We had actually started referring to it as the "Urban Air Curse". This time I put it in the calendar, just to keep the time open, and told no one about our possible plans. The kids didn't find out until the day that we were going. Even all the way up to actually arriving at the facility, I kept waiting for something to happen that would make us have to cancel our day. However, we finally arrived and I breathed a sigh of relief. We had so much fun! Not only do they have the normal things that most trampoline parks have, but they also have an American Ninja warrior style course, Zipline, a ropes course, and rock walls. The first thing T wanted to do was go play on the slam dunk trampoline, which is a basketball goal with a trampoline under it. He had a blast on that! In fact, the majority of the two hours we were there that was what he played on. I figured out real quick that it is way different bouncing on a trampoline as a middle aged adult that as a younger one! I felt a lot less stable and worried way more about falling.
He had a blast playing bball. |
He did NOT get in the foam pit. It's so hard to get out of! |
We have always enjoyed watching the American Ninja Warrior show on TV as a family and the opportunity to get to try a mini course was a highlight, especially for the kids. However, I got exactly two ladder rungs up on the beginning of the course and my fear of heights kicked in and that was a hard pass for me. D and the kids went through a few different times though and tried out most of, if not all, of the four different courses. Unfortunately, we had to do most of the fun stuff blind because you weren't allowed to wear eye glasses, which made it way harder. Everyone but me also did the ropes course. Basically, you get strapped into a harness and you go out on to the ropes which are hanging from the ceiling of the facility, about 14 - 20 ft off the ground. There are swings you walk thru, pads to jump from, and several different obstacles. Everyone mentioned how hard and scary it was so I was super happy I didn't even try that one. Instead, I went to go do the Zipline. I have no idea why my fear of heights has never been an issue when ziplining, even if it's down the side of a mountain. This Zipline went around and above the ropes course and was crazy fast. I liked it so much that I went twice and so did A, after she was done with the ropes course. D went once and T completely bailed on even trying it. I wish he would have done the zipline first instead of the ropes course because I think he have had a blast and enjoyed it more, but after the crazy, scary ropes, he just wanted to go back to the basketball trampoline for the remainder of our visit. We never made it to the rock climbing area because we were so tired from everything else and we had no grip strength left. It was a nice evening and everyone had fun.
Post play time. We were spent. |
T started taking guitar lessons this week. He wants to learn more music theory that isn't as easy to teach yourself. His instructor was impressed with what he knows so far. His instructor was also impressed with his guitar, as were the people at Guitar Center. He has had so many complements on his guitar from people who actually play guitar! He bought it last summer for $80 on clearance from a third party seller on Walmart. Everyone loves the matte finish instead of the glossy because every guitar pretty much is glossy. However, T only picked it because it was $10 cheaper! His instructor was also super impressed with how it was made and the sound. Apparently, the maker also makes really nice high quality guitars and several features are incorporated into the beginner guitar. He told T to keep this guitar forever and even suggested some minor upgrades to make it even better.
A is taking her finals this week and it looks like she should be receiving all A's. She works really hard at studying and getting her videos done that she has to submit. Sometimes I think she should be getting a dueling degree in video technology with all the video editing and stuff she's had to do. She has had to submit hours of video showing her applying what she has learned from her classes to animals at her clinic. T and I have spent many hours filming her doing things at her work. I call us her film crew.
T going through one of the warrior courses. It was really hard! |
A refused to give up even though she fell off a couple of times. |
I had soooo much fun on the zipline! |
A had fun ziplining too! |
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