I LOVE the Sword In The Stone! |
I had been a little upset about Mother's Day. It was the first ever without L. We spent literally 24/7 together for the past 18 years except for maybe a grand total of two months in that entire time. She was always such a a loving and sweet child. She was always so thoughtful when it came to special days. She'd hang signs she had spent hours making everywhere for you to see as soon as you woke up. She would stay up late or get up super early just to surprise you. She would make some sort of homemade treat especially for you. This time last year, she still had resisted the devil (Ted Wlazowski) whispering in her ear. She had such confidence and was so sure of herself. Somehow, she started to believe his lies and turned into a shell of her former self. She started having panic attacks, thinking people were following her or on the roof. She believed things about her childhood that never happened. She lost ALL self confidence. I know one day she'll realize what evil she let in. She was too confident and smart not to realize it. I had thought she might reach out on Mother's Day to let me know she was thinking of us. The L we know would never let any holiday go by with out being very thoughtful. However, even if she did, what good could come of it? I miss her terribly, but things will never be the same even when she does finally realize the extent of the lies that evil man told her and probably is still telling her. She destroyed her relationship with her siblings and while they are still living here I could never do that to them again. I know justice is coming for him and this will probably take 10 years to work through the courts both criminally and civilly, but we're ready. We're just waiting for prosecutors to make their move and then like a domino the rest of our civil suits will start. I will spend the rest of my life making sure this man and Denton Bible Church are held accountable for their misdeeds and I will make sure it won't happen again.
Noelle is also known as Tato. It started as "she smells like a dirty potato", which means she needs a bath and eventually it got shortened to just Tato and now it is just her nickname. I did actually bathe all the pets a couple of days ago so all of them actually smell pretty good right now. |
T spent about 3 hours drawing this for me💗 It was so sweet of him! White tigers are my favorite. |
As for my Mother's Day, it was actually really great! My kids are the best!! T and A made a tremendous effort to make sure that I wasn't sad and that they showed me how loved and special I am. I always tell the kids I don't need stuff. They do sweet and thoughtful stuff for me constantly. They always have. I have boxes of pictures that were drawn for me; flowers that they picked for me; dishes they did because I was busy and they wanted to help me; dinner they made for everyone because I was busy and they knew it would be appreciated. A even goes to pick up our groceries once a week because her work is next to the grocery store. They even periodically bring me water while I work outside so I "won't die". They are great kids and people. Both A and T got up at 6:30am on Mother's Day so they would be up when I got up, which ironically I decided to sleep in until about 7:15am that day.😂 T made me a sweet sign and A made sure the Keurig was turned on and ready to go. They also got me a gift. Normally, for the non-working kids, I give them a few dollars for holidays so they can get gifts for people without spending their allowance. This time they spent their own money on my gift, which was really sweet, especially since T only earns money by doing odd jobs in the neighborhood. The best part wasn't that they got me a gift, but what they got. Let me explain. I LOVE the Sword In The Stone. However, we got rid of Disney plus because let's face it, they're getting a little overpriced. A cannot stand that movie. She hates that I sing all the songs and recite all the words. However, she and T still bought it for Mother's Day! Now, T loves that movie too so he was ok with it, but A even told me I could sing as loud as I wanted. Not only did they get me a family movie, but they also bought movie snacks for us all to enjoy with it! I love doing things as a family and this was perfect! We also played card games and generally just enjoyed being together. It was really nice and not once was I sad. The only thing that I didn't like was the nearly four inches of rain we got and the subsequent flash flooding.
My kids! I promised A that I wouldn't post her picture since she wasn't "camera ready". Her words.😂 |
The kids know I love trying new things and they found Cheetos popcorn. It is really yummy! We all really enjoyed it. |
They also got my favorite old stand by. |
T practicing for his big performance next week in church. I think they live stream services on Facebook. Grace Bible Church. Starts about 10:40 am. |
Noelle actually slept in this box for about 3 hours. She is so weird! |
T and I went to my parents house to celebrate Mother's Day. I gave my Dad an early Father's Day gift too because I got both of my parents activity watches. They had been wanting an activity watch to more accurately and easily count their steps and distance traveled. They like to compete with each other. I was also curious how well they slept. I learned my mother sleeps about TWICE as well as I do! I have always suffered with insomnia, but as I get older it gets worse. I just assumed that was how it worked, but apparently no since my Mom sleeps great!
Overall, we had a fantastic week and I hope everyone had a great Mother's Day!
My dad was confused at first at his Mother's Day gift!😂 |
My mom was really excited to try out her watch. I still can't believe how well she sleeps! |
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