The insane cold snap is now just a distant memory. The weather has been absolutely perfect! We have been outside and getting some things done. Basically, we're just enjoying the great weather. We know before too long that summer will be here and we'll have to deal with all the crazy hot weather. We have not made it out to look at the house we're interested in seeing yet. D was super sick the week we were going to go see it and then the crazy cold snap came and we needed to stay close to the animals plus we didn't feel like getting out when it was that cold and windy. Now, training season has started for D and over the next couple of weeks, he will only have Sundays off. T and I will probably go drive by and look at the outside of the property to see if it's flat enough for what we want to do with it and if it is then D and I will make an appointment to go check it out. We're getting some projects done in the meantime that will help get the house ready to sel...