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The Bunch Have Weather Whiplash

  He is such a  sweet big baby❤️ This past week was wonderful! The mornings were slightly chilly and the afternoons were picture perfect. So of course we have to have a cold front come through that drops the the afternoon highs by about 40 degrees! It is rainy, cold, and miserable now. I have switched back and forth so much from heater to a/c  I am surprised my system hasn't freaked out! Unfortunately, Axl is still a big baby so we haven't had a lot of sleep. We have been needing to give Axl his anxiety meds, which helps, but he still pants and paces ALL night long. While that is annoying, it is actually an improvement from when he first arrived. I just can't understand why he is so upset every time there's any moisture in the air. It's really sad to watch a 100 lbs dog literally shaking because he's so scared. I really hope as he gets use to his new home that he continues to be less scared of EVERYTHING. It was a pretty long week since D was gone 12 hours every...
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The Bunch Enjoy The Beautiful Weather And Have A Bar Recital

The insane cold snap is now just a distant memory. The weather has been absolutely perfect! We have been outside and getting some things done. Basically, we're just enjoying the great weather. We know before too long that summer will be here and we'll have to deal with all the crazy hot weather.     We have not made it out to look at the house we're interested in seeing yet. D was super sick the week we were going to go see it and then the crazy cold snap came and we needed to stay close to the animals plus we didn't feel like getting out when it was that cold and windy. Now, training season has started for D and over the next couple of weeks, he will only have Sundays off. T and I will probably go drive by and look at the outside of the property to see if it's flat enough for what we want to do with it and if it is then D and I will make an appointment to go check it out. We're getting some projects done in the meantime that will help get the house ready to sel...

The Bunch Brace For The Crazy Cold And Celebrate Grandma's Birthday

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The Bunch Deal With D Being Sick

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The Bunch Are Off To A Wonderful 2025 And Are Considering A Change 🤔

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The Bunch Enjoy The Nicer Weather

We made it to Fair Park with only a little bit of an issue.  What a fun week! For Christmas A bought her and I tickets to go see Shen Yun. I have seen advertisements for this over the past 20+ years and have slowly come to want to see what it is about and how it has managed to last so long. What it is about is China before the rise of Communism. It showcases traditional Chinese dances and songs along with traditional instruments. While some of the story was a little corny, the costumes, dancing, singing, and instruments were very interesting. We had a wonderful time and since we were out and about in Dallas we went ahead and made a visit to Trader Joe's. Which in a complete power move, the girl scouts had set up a cookie booth right in front of the gym next to Trader Joe's! There was a literal line to buy cookies. Lol. Dallas actually kept to their word and put up fencing under the overpasses and bridges to keep the homeless encampments at bay near the Fair Park area. Most of t...

The Bunch Head To Winspear

  ❄️ ❄️❄️❄️It was sunny but crazy cold ❄️ ❄️ ❄️ ❄️  The weather has been really crazy this week. We finally got all the snow melted and enjoyed a few days of nice weather before the next cold front came through. Thankfully, this was a dry front for us. No ice or snow worries at all. It was just really cold. We had tickets to go see Come From Away on the day the front came through. I have to say the half mile walk in the strong north winds was rather unpleasant, but the show made up for it all! A picked us out FANTASTIC seats. We were dead center. A picked those because there was no intermission during this show. If there would have been we would have had to climb over 30 seats to get in and out. However, the show was so fast moving we didn't even realize an hour and forty five minutes had gone by! D said it was the BEST production he had EVER seen! It was from the perspective of the town of Gander, New Foundland of what it was like when 38 planes arrived after the United State...