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Showing posts from March, 2017

The Bunch are Halfway through Birthday Month

Finally her big day is here! Today was finally L's actual birthday. This means as a family we HAVE to do something today. None of the other four days of celebration is good enough to NOT do something on your "real" birthday. The world will in fact end if a real birthday celebration is not performed. The kids are even serious enough about this unwritten sacred birthday rule that they willingly do school on Saturday to be able to have the "real" birthday off  to celebrate. It really is the same thing we do on most Sundays, but apparently performing these actions on your "real" birthday takes things up a notch. What did we do? We took the kids to get donuts (I hate donuts so this really is only a birthday thing), we went shopping, watched a movie (at home), went out to eat (at a restaurant where we eat  at least once a month) , and had a no bake cheesecake (which we do not usually eat{remember lactose intolerant}). So what is so special? On your ...

The Bunch Play at the Trampoline Park

Okay, so I didn't play at the trampoline park because believe it or not I had a dislocated rib. That's right apparently you can dislocate your ribs. I know this not only because I did it, but because the doctor gave me a five minute lecture on how it can occur and why. Don't ask me to explain it to you because all I got out of the conversation was "it can happen". I am pretty sure the rest was "blahblahblahblah..and then it becomes dislocated". Essentially, as I am sure you already guessed, the only way to "relocate" it (is that a thing?)  is to pop it back into place. Sounds easy enough right? I am sure if it wasn't for the excruciating nauseating pain, it probably would be. Thankfully, no medicines really work since it is a dislocation and not muscular so that was a great and fun surprise. However, once it was "popped" into place, I immediately felt relief. I am still scared to do anything though and when the dog comes charging ...

Spring Is in the Air...Thank God Allergies are not yet!

I guess technically spring has been in the air ALL winter. Other than a couple of days in single digits, this winter has been pleasant. In fact, it is officially the warmest winter in DFW history! So far, our allergies have been almost non existent. I really hope it stays that way.  Nothing is worse than the prolonged misery of allergy season! The weather is so nice that my garden of lettuce, onions, broccoli, and strawberries are doing fantastic. D and I have decided that the 4 zones we could never get to work must be broke. I don't really care too much though because the ones that work cover the front yard and I really do not need to use all my well water up trying to keep the backyard lush, if I am honest the front yard won't be lush either.....just less dead and bare with hopefully live trees.      We  went to a baby shower last weekend for someone D works with.  I really felt like the old farts since we were almost the only ones with kids ex...