Okay, so I didn't play at the trampoline park because believe it or not I had a dislocated rib. That's right apparently you can dislocate your ribs. I know this not only because I did it, but because the doctor gave me a five minute lecture on how it can occur and why. Don't ask me to explain it to you because all I got out of the conversation was "it can happen". I am pretty sure the rest was "blahblahblahblah..and then it becomes dislocated". Essentially, as I am sure you already guessed, the only way to "relocate" it (is that a thing?) is to pop it back into place. Sounds easy enough right? I am sure if it wasn't for the excruciating nauseating pain, it probably would be. Thankfully, no medicines really work since it is a dislocation and not muscular so that was a great and fun surprise. However, once it was "popped" into place, I immediately felt relief. I am still scared to do anything though and when the dog comes charging full blast at me, I cower. I am fairly certain her loving jump on me dislocated it in the first place.
L and her friend at the trampoline park |
A and T had fun too! |
I digress, back to the trampoline park. Once again we are celebrating the kids birthdays in stages. So and so can't come to the party on a certain day and instead would like to do something on a different day. This week we started celebrating L's 11th birthday. She took a friend to the trampoline park and then her friend came over to our house for a sleepover. They had a great time and the new trampoline park that is close to us is super nice. We liked it a lot and as a bonus it was almost empty when we visited. Now this week we are taking another friend skating, celebrating her actual birthday day with just our family since it is on a Wednesday, having a celebratory dinner with one set of grandparents, and cake on a different day with her cousins. Whew! Basically, we have birthday month. It can be a little overwhelming, but I know there will be a time when she will be gone and possibly live far away and we might not have the opportunity to see her at all so I guess I will try to appreciate birthday month.
My Grandfather in law, who is like a biological grandfather to me (I couldn't love him more) is moving into an assisted living home so we spent most of last Sunday going through his things. He has a lot of great antiques from the early 1900's. One cool thing we found was a commodities box from the Great Depression. He said they use to wait in line to get their box during the depression and it had certain foods to eat and other essentials for their family. We also found some really old books, like an old English book from 1940. I love historical artifacts, which is odd because in school I always hated history, but as an adult it just fascinates me, especially the pioneer days. I have drug my family to so many historical re enactments and living history museums all over the country. We all always have fun, but sometimes the kids are like "really? again?". You think they would get better grades in history. I feel for my in laws. 89 years is a long time to collect things. Most of it is really neat, but oh boy there is a lot to go through. My kids better appreciate the fact I like to throw things out and stay organized!

Pretty butterfly in Papa's garden.
T has greatly improved in football. His team is still in last place, but they have improved greatly. In fact, they almost tied the last team they played, but the other team managed to get a touchdown in the last two minutes. He has playoff's next week so we will see what happens.
T playing with D's GI Joe toys. |
T running in his football game. |
C has been having stomach issues again. He had a CAT scan, colonoscopy, and endoscopy done last week. We are waiting on info from the biopsies. He has issues with horrible stomach cramps and throwing up every morning. At least the good news is we have pretty good insurance and his max out of pocket is only $3000 for the entire year. He seems to be in better spirits this week so hopefully that continues.
D has been busy trying to salvage our landscaping. I decided once we cleaned all the hedgerows out that it might be nice to have wildflowers (not to mention easy) so we put out about 5000 wildflower seeds. Either it will be great or we will have a huge mess to fix next year!
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