I guess technically spring has been in the air ALL winter. Other than a couple of days in single digits, this winter has been pleasant. In fact, it is officially the warmest winter in DFW history! So far, our allergies have been almost non existent. I really hope it stays that way. Nothing is worse than the prolonged misery of allergy season! The weather is so nice that my garden of lettuce, onions, broccoli, and strawberries are doing fantastic. D and I have decided that the 4 zones we could never get to work must be broke. I don't really care too much though because the ones that work cover the front yard and I really do not need to use all my well water up trying to keep the backyard lush, if I am honest the front yard won't be lush either.....just less dead and bare with hopefully live trees.
We went to a baby shower last weekend for someone D works with. I really felt like the old farts since we were almost the only ones with kids except for the grandma and grandpa to be, though it was amusing to listen to those who had obviously never been around babies talk about life with them. I wish I could be a fly on the wall when they figure out how wrong they had it! Oh, newbies. They had gone all out and the house was beautifully decorated in a purple theme and they had a fantastic spread for us to eat. They even set out onesies of different sizes for us to color. It sounds like fun, but it was actually a little stressful to come up with a design to put on someone's outfit! I ended up just going for a basic spring scene and D made a pumpkin design for Halloween.
It was super cute finished. |
Some people are so artistic.....not us. |
My spring scene. |
T is doing better in football and played quarterback this week. He completed the first pass he made! He did pretty well. I hope he gets to try quarterback some more this weekend. L is excited about her birthday coming up. She wants some friends to spend the night and to go skating. A is learning how to knit and crochet at scouts. It should be fun, They are making baby hats to donate to the crisis center. Unfortunately, C has been under the weather again. He is complaining about stomach pains again. It took almost 4 years last time for them to figure out his gall bladder needed to be removed so he is discouraged about the possibility of repeating all the tests and doctor visits again.
Working on a cute project. Look how well vinegar works on removing rust! |
This use to be white vinegar. YUCK! My horseshoes look great though. I can't wait to show off the final product! |
We are down to the last 10 weeks of school. YAY! Hopefully then I can sleep without dreaming of the slope intercept formula!
A loved her Hershey Kiss the size of her palm. |
D made heart shaped pancakes for V day. He is so sweet! |
Why even in February in TX you can't leave chocolates in your trunk! |
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