Okay, that is a little misleading because T still has two weeks, but since I am no longer at the board doing the Slope Intercept Formula I will take his two digit multiplication without complaint.....or at least relatively little. The weather has gone from perfectly wonderful to the long humid very hot days of summer, seemingly overnight. Why is it North Texas goes from beautiful 70's to upper 90's without the gradual warm up of the 80's? You get use to days in a row of sunshine and mild afternoons and then the oven gets turned on one night and then it is 92 with 71% humidity by 11am. The temp isn't too bad. It is the combination of the humidity and heat that is killer. I do have to say though my wonderful country house with its constant gale force winds might just make this summer not too bad. Don't get me wrong I expect skin melting heat and thick air, but a constant breeze should make a huge difference...I hope. We have done it. We have made the sprinklers wor...