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The Bunch Are Almost to Summer

Ahhh. The days of summer are almost here. It is so close we are getting antsy for the laziness of summer. I use that term loosely since anyone who knows me knows that I am pretty much incapable of being lazy. In fact, I have been dealing with a hematoma in my thigh for the past month and I am required to "rest" until it heals, which is about 9-12 weeks. I take that to mean no leg weights, running, or biking. I still have been doing my normal chores and exercises that do not involve a lot of legs, but it has been a month and it is only slightly better. My doctor may have something to say about that when I go in for him to check up on it. I wouldn't think he would really want me to just sit with my leg up for weeks on end, who has the time to do that?

We finally called in the big guns to look at my sprinkler system and it STILL doesn't work right! He managed to find a control box we didn't know we had and hooked up all the zones (still unable to locate 2)to the system and replaced a head. He also provided D with valuable info about what to do next. I think it maybe easier just to use a manual sprinkler. Part of the issue seems to be the pressure from the well isn't consistent enough to run the heads effectively. I don't care enough about having automatic sprinklers to figure out how to get more pressure from the well. I am really happy now that I never had automatic sprinklers installed in the other house WHAT AN EXPENSIVE TIME CONSUMING HEADACHE!

We wrapped up scouts this week and L finished soccer so we are beginning to weed out our extra curricular activities in preparation for summer. The kids have about 2 weeks of school left and then a 10 week break. YAY! We have about a week we will plan to spend with family in Nebraska, but NO big camping trips. We are STILL recovering from the month long trip and NO ONE is ready for a repeat yet.

The kids are excited about the chickens we plan to get in July when Tractor Supply gets them in stock. In fact, they have already named their chickens that we don't have yet. We will have a Chicken Little, Chicken Nugget, Lucy, Ethel, Crystal, and Brinlee. These will be our first farm animals for the homestead and they are excited. They might not be so excited when they see how much work taking care of them will be, but they will get to help with chores. Hopefully, we do not end up with roosters. Kids do not like to eat dinner that they have named!
Happy Mother's Day to me!

A bridged to Patriot

L earned her awards

T is now a Weblos

A finally got her left split!

Love my backyard, even though the sprinkler drive me crazy!


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