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The Bunch have Lucked Out During Storm Season

So far this spring we have been very fortunate to avoid the severe storms that have plagued the surrounding areas. I kid you not: the storms pass a couple miles to the  north or a couple miles to the south. It is like the property is in some kind of vortex that is impenetrable to rain, which is great to have all the baseball size hail and tornadoes go around us, but my yard is starting to resemble the Grand Canyon with all the cracks running through it. Yes, we have that awesome automatic sprinkler system through the whole property and NO we still haven't managed to get it working right. This is our last weekend we will try to work on it ourselves and then we will have to bite the bullet and call in the big guns. The sprinklers have been our archenemy and I refuse to be bested by water. All I ever hear is "oh, automatic sprinklers are so easy.....". I am starting to think these people have never actually worked on sprinklers themselves, but just call someone out because they are NOT easy. They are dirty, cold, wet, and completely frustrating!
What turned into a tornado just north of us.

More bad weather just north of us

Besides being shown up by lawn equipment, we have been busy finishing up school. 3 weeks left! YAY! We have also been attending L's soccer practices and games. She has made a lot of improvement in her skills and her team has won 3 and loss 3. She has one week left before the playoffs. I think the kids are enjoying learning a least the one who is participating. The ones who watch seem less thrilled. A is playing volleyball at UNT next, which should be interesting. However, that doesn't start until mid June so we will have a small break in our schedule from running around everywhere.
D is suppose to stop drinking soft drinks....I may have gone a little crazy on Amazon.

We have joined the slime making craze. It is actually pretty neat.

L and her friend at scouts

T and his boat came in 2nd at the Rain Gutter Regata

All and  all WE LOVE THE COUNTRY LIFE! We have been very busy installing gates and fences (and of course dealing with the infamous sprinkler system), but once the initial things are finished I don't think we will be quite so busy. The sunrises and sunsets are gorgeous, all I see off by back deck is rolling hills and open pasture, and it is so quiet (except for my kids). LOVE IT!


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