Okay, that is a little misleading because T still has two weeks, but since I am no longer at the board doing the Slope Intercept Formula I will take his two digit multiplication without complaint.....or at least relatively little. The weather has gone from perfectly wonderful to the long humid very hot days of summer, seemingly overnight. Why is it North Texas goes from beautiful 70's to upper 90's without the gradual warm up of the 80's? You get use to days in a row of sunshine and mild afternoons and then the oven gets turned on one night and then it is 92 with 71% humidity by 11am. The temp isn't too bad. It is the combination of the humidity and heat that is killer. I do have to say though my wonderful country house with its constant gale force winds might just make this summer not too bad. Don't get me wrong I expect skin melting heat and thick air, but a constant breeze should make a huge difference...I hope.
We have done it. We have made the sprinklers work. We found another zone and replaced pretty much EVERY head, had the big guns fix the cut lines, and now we know where the last zone should be. We just have to dig the 3 inches or so of dirt off of it and then our system will be complete. However, the missing zone is in the back yard and I feel no real sense of urgency since I have no plans to sow grass back there in the near future. As for the grass in the front yard, I feel like an idiot watering all day long for the past 10 days. I do have about 25% of my seeds starting to sprout but since my front yard alone is over 1/2 acre it really doesn't look like too much. Hopefully, more grass comes up next week so I can start cutting back on watering, though thankfully I just am programming my newly fixed sprinklers to just keep going off so other than dealing with the in ground birdbath a couple of heads have made the effort on my part is pretty minimal. I am still not sure if the headache is worth it, but it is pretty nice not to worry about watering.
A starts volleyball next week. It will be interesting to see how we like this. So far soccer has been the most interesting spectator sport since the kids move around so much.
Everybody have a fantastic Memorial Day Weekend and remember to say a prayer for those who fought for our freedom to enjoy it!
Some antique jewelry from my great grandmother. All hand painted. |
Kids had a Harry Potter Day....I think they are angling to go back to Universal...NOT HAPPENING YET! |
Plotting for how to play Quiddach in the backyard .One ended up holding a hula hoop over their head while the other two threw it in. Yep, I saw that ending badly too. |
Having fun at the Homeschool Library Time working with little bit robotics. Super Fun! |
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