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Showing posts from January, 2021

The Bunch Are Enjoying Running Water

Our big get the tires rotated!  Now that two weeks have passed since the well pump was fixed, we have finally caught up on all the laundry and other chores that we were unable to do without water and things are feeling a little less overwhelming.  I was really happy that about a year ago my in laws gave us a new water pump that they had used for only 6 months before they needed to have a new well dug. At the time I thought it would be years before we might need that pump. It turns out it was just barely a year before we needed it! It was a VERY long two weeks, but we managed. We have been campers for a long time and know how to make the best of what you got, but we are really excited we don't have to drive 45 minutes away every other day in order to shower, wash clothes, and get 55  galloons of fresh water. I think the hardest part was trying to keep the horses trough filled for them. They drink a lot of water!  The kitten, Noelle, is doing better. I did...

The Bunch Continue to Bear 2021

Oh my goodness! We are only to January 13, 2021, and already I am done with this year! First, around noon on January 1st, our fairly new water pump went out and caused us to go without running water for almost 2 FULL weeks! I won't even go into what all that entailed in order to get by. I promise you don't want to know. Second, my last surviving grandmother passed away this week. I had not seen her in about 20 years, but I have very fond memories of summer visits with her and my grandfather. She was a good lady. She had promised to live to 100 and was only about 6 months short. Third, the cute adorable kitten we adopted had an intestinal disease we had to treat ( not fun). Fourth, D's cousin was hospitalized with sepsis and his fever has been so high they have been unable to amputate his leg. It doesn't look good for him. Fifth, our kitten now has ring worms ( have no idea how that happened since she doesn't go outside) so the treatment is a bath for 10 minutes with...

The Bunch Ring in the New Year

  Ok, the Bunch children rang in the new year. The Bunch parents were in bed asleep by 10pm on New Years Eve. We did stay up a little later than normal to play some new card games we had received for Christmas 🎄 with the kids, but ultimately we just wanted to go to sleep and wake up to a new year that was full of possibilities and hope. However, in the Bunch household 2021 has been even worse than 2020. Not only do we have all the restrictions from 2020 still going on, but now it is even more personal. No kidding, on January 1st at about noon our water pump went out. What is a water pump my city dwelling friends may ask and why is this that big of deal? A water pump for us country folk is the difference between living like hobos and having a functioning homestead. It could literally cause animals to die. It is very important and after only experiencing this 4 years ago, it happened again. Our water pump went out. Last time it was expected. The pump was about 17 years old. It died ...