Our big outing....to get the tires rotated! Now that two weeks have passed since the well pump was fixed, we have finally caught up on all the laundry and other chores that we were unable to do without water and things are feeling a little less overwhelming. I was really happy that about a year ago my in laws gave us a new water pump that they had used for only 6 months before they needed to have a new well dug. At the time I thought it would be years before we might need that pump. It turns out it was just barely a year before we needed it! It was a VERY long two weeks, but we managed. We have been campers for a long time and know how to make the best of what you got, but we are really excited we don't have to drive 45 minutes away every other day in order to shower, wash clothes, and get 55 galloons of fresh water. I think the hardest part was trying to keep the horses trough filled for them. They drink a lot of water! The kitten, Noelle, is doing better. I did...