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The Bunch Ring in the New Year


Ok, the Bunch children rang in the new year. The Bunch parents were in bed asleep by 10pm on New Years Eve. We did stay up a little later than normal to play some new card games we had received for Christmas 🎄 with the kids, but ultimately we just wanted to go to sleep and wake up to a new year that was full of possibilities and hope. However, in the Bunch household 2021 has been even worse than 2020. Not only do we have all the restrictions from 2020 still going on, but now it is even more personal. No kidding, on January 1st at about noon our water pump went out. What is a water pump my city dwelling friends may ask and why is this that big of deal? A water pump for us country folk is the difference between living like hobos and having a functioning homestead. It could literally cause animals to die. It is very important and after only experiencing this 4 years ago, it happened again. Our water pump went out. Last time it was expected. The pump was about 17 years old. It died about 6 months after we moved in. In theory, we should have had over a decade of no issues after it was replaced, which is why on New Years Day we were shocked when we discovered that there was no running water. Zip. Zero. That means no laundry, no dishes, no showers, no flushing toilets, and no water to fill animal water troughs. Nothing. We do have a fully functioning camper, thank goodness, but since it has been so cold there wasn't a trace of water in it. We need to keep the water lines from freezing so the water lines are emptied during winter. Luckily my parents live about an hour way so 3 times a week we head that way to shower, do laundry, and collect 50 gallons of water at a time to last us a couple of days. Afterwards, we come back here, struggle to fill the camper's fresh water tank with a funnel made from a water bottle ( can't use a hose), lug 20 gallons out the horses, and use whatever is left over to wash hands and flush toilets with in the house. We still haven't heard when we might get a new pump. Today is the 6th. The machinery they have to use to pull up almost 400ft of pipe to get to the pump is very heavy. The ground has to be pretty dry in order for them to be able to do it. Unfortunately, with all the rain lately and expected for at least the next week, it looks unlikely that it will happen within the next week or so. We are getting use to our new "normal", but it is extremely frustrating and time consuming.

We celebrated Christmas with my in laws.

Silly Cat!

D and I got a new is really tall! I use a step ladder to get in.

The kids had fun playing in the new mattresses box. It was over 6'6" long!

I was glad that all this happened during the time D took off from work. As big of an adjustment as it was, it would have been way worse if the kids and I had to deal with it on our own. We also wisely used his time at home to get the new kitten and Maisy use to each other. The most crazy thing has happened. Our crazy psycho dog is actually great with the kitten! The problem is with the kitten! The kitty wants to attack Maisy's tail or feet and tries to get a reaction from her by swatting at her face and hissing at her. Poor Maisy doesn't know what to do and just ignores her. I never thought our dog could be around another animal and behave so well. Apparently, in her super senior years, she is becoming the dog we always wanted. 

I hope your New Year is going better than ours has so far!


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