The Bunch ready to head to church to celebrate Easter. |
We had a wonderful Easter. The kids and I dyed eggs together. T made a fairly intricate Guns N Roses logo egg while A and I just enjoyed making pretty eggs. We have discovered that using food coloring makes for way brighter eggs than using the horrible Easter egg dye kits from the store. I participated in the egg hunt with the kids this year. It was so much fun! We laughed so hard as we all ran around trying to beat each other. Afterwards, we had our traditional egg gravy and went to church. We enjoyed a ham dinner and watched HOP. It was a great day.
T worked a long time on this egg. It was by far the most intricate egg he has ever done. He did a fantastic job! |
T actually fell down (you can tell by grass on his knee), but he wasn't going to lose no matter what! |
We had so much fun and laughter! It was great!! |
All smiles on our way to church. |
It was a little early still for A. |
The week has been pretty good. Better than I thought it would be. I think everyone was just so tired of the craziness and drama that while we're sad L isn't going to be part of the close family we assumed she would be, we're super relieved to not be part of all her craziness. One day I will take the time to fully explain everything that she has done in the past few months, but honestly right now we are just enjoying our lives and it's just too exhausting to deal with. We joke about how were going to be a 20/20 special that everyone says "that doesn't really happen", but unfortunately it does. The house has had so much laughter and light heartedness this week it made me realize that while there were some very good times while L was back, we were always aware that it wasn't really her and everything was different. It wore on everyone more than I thought it did. D and I hid a lot from the other kids. We only involved them when it was absolutely necessary and they were exhausted and mad for L making them go through this. They dealt with the lowest of the lows, but other than that we tried to keep them ignorant of what was going on so they could live their lives as normal as possible. I think of L every day. I just cannot reckon the person she was with this horrible evil person she has become. I hope one day she realizes how much she lost by burning this bridge, but even if she does things will never be like they would have been between us. We may forgive her one day if she seriously apologizes to all of us for her horribleness, but she'll always be an outsider in our family with no one completely trusting her again.
As promised, T turned her room into his man cave. He always had told the girls when they moved out that he would turn their room into his man cave. I call it the music room. Everyone has had fun playing in there this week. In two weeks, T has the opportunity to play guitar for the church. He is excited. I have a feeling he'll be practicing a lot this week!
T was ready for his man cave. He didn't even tell me was doing this. It just appeared. |
It's quite the man cave with a pink chair 😂 |
MiMi loves playing in her sister's cone...even if her sister is wearing it! Poor Maisy deals with a lot in her advanced age. |
We also decided to go camping at Mineral Wells next week so T can explore the caves since last time when we planned to go we had to cancel last minute since the hospital had called us when L showed up and it started all the craziness of the last 6 months. I look forward to spending a lot of time relaxing and enjoying life over the next few months.
All of T's eggs. |
A made hers plain, but in pretty colors. |
I put forth a slight decorating effort. |
T starting on his Guns N Roses |
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