Happy Thanksgiving! It was so good to see my in laws!! It has been since December 2019 since we have hosted a gathering, which coincidentally is also the last time my in laws visited our house. My husband took vacation over Thanksgiving week and we decided to invite just a few people to Thanksgiving, in laws included. I like to give things a once over before company comes. Basically, we spent 3 full days giving our house a deep clean and if anyone saw our house between December 2019 until Thanksgiving 2022, I apologize. We tidy regularly, but it had been quite awhile since we cleaned chandeliers, wiped off walls and baseboards, or even pulled the air vents off to clean ( and repaint). The dust that had accumulated on some of the tops of higher hanging paintings was horrible! I have decided that every 6 months now we're hosting a party just to keep up with house cleaning! Next party, will be in June to celebrate L's highschool graduation. You can expect invites in May. T had f...