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Showing posts from November, 2022

The Bunch Celebrate Thanksgiving

  Happy Thanksgiving! It was so good to see my in laws!! It has been since December 2019 since we have hosted a gathering, which coincidentally is also the last time my in laws visited our house. My husband took vacation over Thanksgiving week and we decided to invite just a few people to Thanksgiving, in laws included. I like to give things a once over before company comes. Basically, we spent 3 full days giving our house a deep clean and if anyone saw our house between December 2019 until Thanksgiving 2022, I apologize. We tidy regularly, but it had been quite awhile since we cleaned chandeliers, wiped off walls and baseboards, or even pulled the air vents off to clean ( and repaint). The dust that had accumulated on some of the tops of higher hanging paintings was horrible! I have decided that every 6 months now we're hosting a party just to keep up with house cleaning! Next party, will be in June to celebrate L's highschool graduation. You can expect invites in May. T had f...

The Bunch See C in Bonham and Get Ready For Thanksgiving

  My Boys- T really is a giant! This year I am actually pretty happy with our game schedule. Last year I criss crossed Texas to get T to his games and this year pretty much every game (with the exception of State and Nationals) are with in 30 minutes of our house. Our first game was the farthest, but since it was in Bonham which allowed us to see C, I was happy to travel that way. Our game next week is in Slidell, which is about 10ish miles from my house! I am super excited about that one! I can't remember the last time I had to be somewhere and could leave only 15 minutes before I needed to be there. While we were in Bonham, C, H, and B not only came to watch T play, but also H's parents. I told T that everyone was coming to see him so he needed to play his best. And he did! He had one of his best games both offensively and defensively. He scored the most points and was at the top of the leader board. I was really proud of him and everyone was very impressed. T only played abo...

The Bunch Enjoy A Slower Basketball Week And Celebrate C and Grandpa's Birthdays

He is such a helper now that he is bigger. He put up the lighted trees by himself which saves me a lot of time and I really appreciate.  This was a nice week. After the craziness of last week's tournament in Duncanville, it was nice to just have two-two hour practices this week. Since we had some extra time, we decided to start putting up some of our outdoor Christmas lights. The inside of our house will stay decorated for Thanksgiving/Fall  until after Thanksgiving, but some people on our street had started putting up their outside lights and I was excited to put ours up too. As you all know, Christmas is my most favorite time of the year. We love watching Hallmark movies, baking, looking at lights, and doing a whole bunch of festive activities.  In fact, I am about halfway done with my gift shopping already. I plan to be totally done by Dec 1st and just kick back and relish the holidays. We're not done by any means, but this is the start of our Christmas decor. I also h...

The Bunch Celebrate Halloween and Have Our First Basketball Tournament

  The Cowboy, the Queen of Hearts, and Agnes (Despicable Me) As the kids get older, Halloween has become more scaled down. Now they just dress up for my Halloween calendar pic and prefer watching our classic Halloween shows while eating our traditional Halloween food. I bet you didn't know Halloween had it's own food did you? In our house, it has become tradition to eat pizza. This started because when the kids were little it was quick and easy to make them dinner after taking them trick or treating. Unbeknownst to me, it apparently became a tradition that now must occur every Halloween. Whatever, it's easy. It's weird how much the kids like everything the same. They're like  a bunch of 90 year old men! They REALLY don't like change. This year I upped the anty and also made a fruit pizza for dessert. It is one of our favorite desserts. The crust is made from one of the best sugar cookie recipes I have ever seen and the sauce is a cream cheese/powder sugar mix. T...