He is such a helper now that he is bigger. He put up the lighted trees by himself which saves me a lot of time and I really appreciate. |
This was a nice week. After the craziness of last week's tournament in Duncanville, it was nice to just have two-two hour practices this week. Since we had some extra time, we decided to start putting up some of our outdoor Christmas lights. The inside of our house will stay decorated for Thanksgiving/Fall until after Thanksgiving, but some people on our street had started putting up their outside lights and I was excited to put ours up too. As you all know, Christmas is my most favorite time of the year. We love watching Hallmark movies, baking, looking at lights, and doing a whole bunch of festive activities. In fact, I am about halfway done with my gift shopping already. I plan to be totally done by Dec 1st and just kick back and relish the holidays.
We're not done by any means, but this is the start of our Christmas decor. |
I also have a pretty wreath I will put on the door. Most of this was my in laws discards and I think they are so cute! |
This is last year the guy who owns over a hundred acres behind us will be there, so I made him a tree to look at. I will hate looking at a housing addition. It always felt so country when out our windows was nothing but land. |
We also celebrated C and Grandpa's birthdays. We had already celebrated with C last time we were in Bonham so we just called and sang him happy birthday, but we went over to my Dad's house, made him lunch, and enjoyed a nice visit. T always has so much fun playing with Grandpa. They usually just play video games, but sometimes play ping pong or do other things. T has started coin collecting so this time T showed Grandpa his coin collection. T just bought a Massachusetts 3 pence from 1652 that he is really proud of. I think that it is wonderful T enjoys spending time with Grandpa. I hope we get many more birthdays to celebrate with Grandpa.
I didn't have a 9 so he was 78 plus an extra candle 😂. |
To be fair, L at least got Grandpa's first before she started dishing theirs. |
This next week will super busy. Not only will we have two-two hour basketball practices, but also two games. One is in Bonham, which I am super excited about because that means we will get to see C. The other is in Callisiburg which is right by A's work so she will get to come to that one. Basically, we will eat, sleep, and breath basketball this week. Thankfully, Aunt P saw a need and decided the perfect gift for D and I for Christmas would be some PADDED stadium seats and I am so excited to try them out this week. While the real test won't be until the next tournament over New Year's , I will be able to tell how much I think that they will help. I think having a back rest will help immensely.
L sings at the Dallas Arboretum with her choir group on Dec 11 so she has had extra practices to get ready for that. She is also quick to mention that T's basketball takes up way more time and is usually farther whenever I comment on how far that is. Somehow, driving in downtown Dallas seems way more time consuming than driving in a rural north east texas town. I am excited to get some good pics of the decorations the arboretum has up though.
Noelle always has to check out every thing. |
She is so helpful (and cute in her bow)! |
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