Happy Thanksgiving! It was so good to see my in laws!! |
It has been since December 2019 since we have hosted a gathering, which coincidentally is also the last time my in laws visited our house. My husband took vacation over Thanksgiving week and we decided to invite just a few people to Thanksgiving, in laws included. I like to give things a once over before company comes. Basically, we spent 3 full days giving our house a deep clean and if anyone saw our house between December 2019 until Thanksgiving 2022, I apologize. We tidy regularly, but it had been quite awhile since we cleaned chandeliers, wiped off walls and baseboards, or even pulled the air vents off to clean ( and repaint). The dust that had accumulated on some of the tops of higher hanging paintings was horrible! I have decided that every 6 months now we're hosting a party just to keep up with house cleaning! Next party, will be in June to celebrate L's highschool graduation. You can expect invites in May.
T had fun on the dry erase board. |
Gigi and L |
Pop pop and L (the other kids were here too! L just doesn't shun the camera like they do). |
It was really nice to see them! We love them so much.❤️ |
L put on a concert of the songs she is learning for Christmas 🎄. |
See another kid was there! |
Hubby also put on a concert. He got ssshhed a lot though because it was during the dog show. A LOVES her dog show and was not pleased with the impromptu concert. |
L's graduation is actually on April 29, but it is in Allen so we decided to throw a graduation party in June at our house for friends and family. That way no one will have to drive all the way to Allen and sit through a very long ceremony. Also so this way L can make her photo board of her life, like A did, for everyone to look at. It is fun going through old pictures. Plus, L will be actually done with all her course work by June so she will be officially done with school and we can celebrate my her achievement. We plan to shoot off fireworks that night to celebrate since we have a closet full of them. We had planned to have a small get together in July to celebrate the fourth this past summer, but lucky us caught COVID again and we ended up with a closet FULL of fireworks and a drought that made it impossible to set them off once we recovered. Now we can celebrate my her achievement. I can't believe I she did it! It was a long hard road that had a few bumps, but ultimately I wouldn't change a thing. Time with kids is so preciously short. It might not feel like it in the moment, but it goes by so fast and being able to be with them essentially 24/7 was the greatest blessing I could have been given (though I could have really done without Physics and Geometry!). Thank you D for being able to make the sacrifices to make that happen! I always gave myself a plan B in case it didn't work out. It probably would have been easier to work and send the kids off to private school ( we ruled out ever having them do public school), but I am happy to say I never needed it. I came close to it a handful of times, but pushed through. I now will have 3 of my 4 children graduated, leaving just T and me for the next 3 years. That will be really weird. It still feels weird that A is off doing her own thing. Having both girls doing their own thing will take some serious getting use too. At least L will be doing online school the first year so it won't be quite so drastic at first. L gets her official license in two weeks! She will legally be able to drive WITHOUT me in the car. It also means I have 2 years to relax before I do my last driving lessons with T. Teaching kids how to drive is a whole new level of scared you have to experience before you can understand! The stories of near death experiences that we have!😂
T decided this year to make his gingerbread house as ready to eat cookies. That way it would be easier to eat .😂 I can't fault his logic. |
A actually made her own house this year, walls and all! |
L was L. She likes everything over the top and perfect. Both girls are actually eating their house this year, which is kind of weird since they usually let the boys eat them.
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