My Boys- T really is a giant!
This year I am actually pretty happy with our game schedule. Last year I criss crossed Texas to get T to his games and this year pretty much every game (with the exception of State and Nationals) are with in 30 minutes of our house. Our first game was the farthest, but since it was in Bonham which allowed us to see C, I was happy to travel that way. Our game next week is in Slidell, which is about 10ish miles from my house! I am super excited about that one! I can't remember the last time I had to be somewhere and could leave only 15 minutes before I needed to be there. While we were in Bonham, C, H, and B not only came to watch T play, but also H's parents. I told T that everyone was coming to see him so he needed to play his best. And he did! He had one of his best games both offensively and defensively. He scored the most points and was at the top of the leader board. I was really proud of him and everyone was very impressed. T only played about half of the game though because the other team wasn't very good so our coach let the second string players play more since sometimes when we play harder teams they get almost zero playing times. T would have really scored a lot of points if he would have played most of the game. The second game we played this week didn't go nearly as well. The school 's freshman team was still playing football so we played their jv team. I have to say an extra year or two makes a HUGE difference. T is big, but their guy was HUGE! In fact most of their team was huge. We lost 30-51, but we made it hard enough for them that they played their starters most of the time. I think the boys were just really in their heads about playing a bigger team and just made silly mistakes that cost them. I have to say after 2 games in our stadium chairs, it does make all the difference in the world. The back rest is a HUGE help. Thanks again Aunt P!
We love the chairs! A has managed to arrange her schedule so she can make most of T's games. She is such a good sister. ❤️ |
B is in 8th grade this year. Her birthday is next week so we celebrated with her while we were in Bonham. |
T is just so crazy big! |
T on top of the leader board! |
T played a great game for everyone who came to watch. |
L has her concert at the arboretum in a couple of weeks and since she also sings in both services that day too, it is going to be a REALLY long day. Basically, we will be doing church stuff for over 12 hours. I am super excited to get to see the arboretum all done up for Christmas though. I have been wanting to go for awhile now. I just wish our day wouldn't involve leaving at 7:20 am and getting back after 9:30pm!
We took senior photos this week.
This one cracks me up. It looks like the most horrible photoshop job, but it's 100% real! It looks like she is floating and has no hands 😂 You'll have to wait to see the ones she picked for her graduation invites.
A is still loving her job. She spends most of her days assisting in surgeries and has quite the story to tell about the different vets. Apparently, they all have VERY different tastes in music that they listen to during surgeries. Most of the vets like country, or relaxing music, but apparently one vet likes to blare heavy metal from the Iron Maiden station. She says he even bangs his head along with the music while he works.😂😂 I can't imagine my pet getting surgery with someone blaring heavy metal. I can't imagine A's headache after 4 hours of that!
My babies watching me work outside. |
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