Admittedly, I have not been good about giving updates. I will work on that, but you know how busy life can get. Since it has been two weeks since my last update, there is a TON of stuff to talk about.
First of all, I had a fabulous birthday. The kids made me some spectacular cards and everyone pooled their resources and gave me a really beautiful turquoise ring that I have admired for awhile. I also received a new tent so next time we camp and it rains there should be no worries. We love camping and the next adventure should not be to far off. I also got a Kindle and I totally love it! For those of you who are unaware, I am an avid reader and this will make my life so much easier! I have read 2 books already on it. I loved my birthday. The kids did great about not fighting amongst themselves. It. Was. Great. The only thing I regret was not realizing I was turning a year older than I thought. I was. My ever loving husband was quick to point that one out. Oh well, I tell everyone I am 25 anyways! :)
T always sneaks into a pic! |
Cindy came down from her new house in Nebraska for a way too brief visit. I am really going to miss Salt Lake City, but am excited about exploring new terrain and having her only a days ride away. I have a feeling at some point we will end up back in Salt Lake. It is just too awesome not to be there occasionally or maybe for good. Who knows?
Cindy and the kids. |
AJ had her first slumber party, though only one girl slept over so maybe more technically it was her first sleep over. Another girl left around 10pm. We had fun. They went swimming in the pool and jumped on the trampoline. I also painted their nails and they made necklaces from some nice beads I got from the craft store. There was shrieking, dancing, running, and singing. Yep, my husband had a great time. The girls did too. AJ is already planning the next sleep over.
Even Nuby had a great time! |
The living room became a freeway. |
What better way to cap off a late night of a shrieking girls slumber party than to plan a lunch party for the family to celebrate 2 of the children's birthdays. In between painting nails and crimping necklaces, I was baking cupcakes and making BBQ for the next party. I am nothing if not efficient. T had a great birthday and so did AJ. I am a little tired from birthday week.
My two oldest. |
Why never the good guy? |
T started pre-school. I cannot believe my baby will be in kindergarten next year! Time goes by so fast. It feels like I just took my oldest to his first day yesterday...and yes I cried the whole way home after I dropped him off. Since T will be home schooled though maybe I won't cry this time. It still might happen.
He smiled on the first day! :) |
AJ got her braces on FINALLY! I thought we would never get past the spacers phase. However, I was not expecting to have to work while she had braces. I figured my few thousand dollars would guarantee that someone else would be responsible for the upkeep. Silly me. Every night I have to jam a wire down her throat to turn the expander they placed on the roof of her mouth. It isn't hard, but I still do not like doing it. She is so proud of her braces. She cannot wait to have straight teeth.
Living with braces for the next year |
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