Even as great as this summer has been, we are still heading back to school at the beginning of August. So far, school has moved along well and the kids are flourishing under the structure of a school day. I have under taken the task of remodeling the kitchen, much to D's dismay. It is turning into quite the disruptive project and taking up a lot of time, but hopefully I will love the end results. Pintrest has been my inspiration for many projects lately. I love Pintrest!
School starts. |
We have also been busy finding a new church home. It has been hard since the new church we are looking at has Saturday night services (which is great because since D changed his schedule, he had been unable to attend church with us). However, the kids and I have been going to our current churches services on Sundays in addition to the Saturday service and we are just plain exhausted. The new church we are looking at is about 10 times the size of our current church and it is taking some adjustment on our part to understand how they operate efficiently with that many members. They definitely make use of technology to keep members informed and our old church had a lot of older members that did not use technology so this has probably been the biggest adjustment. That and it was a little different not to know the majority of people at the service or in the classes, but I guess that will improve with time.
We have also been planning A and T's birthday party. Lots of cute Pintrest decor (will post pics afterwards)! T wants lego star wars and A wants Hollywood movie star. We throw their parties together since they are only separated by 5 days and it makes it easier on family to travel to one party. I call it Hollywood Legos. Also, the cat has made a come back (thanks to the baby food again) and lives on. She is now 20 and still going strong. I think we have a real shot at making it to the world's oldest living cat!
Doesn't look a day over 18! |
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