Merida, Good Witch, and Harry Potter |
Straw curls were super bouncy! |
My baby dressed in his super cool snuggie....that in itself was commented on a lot! |
The kids had decided about two months ago what they would be for Halloween. L picked a good witch, T was going to be Harry Potter, but without glasses and a wand (I guess those were deemed too hard to trick or treat wearing) and A was going to be a medieval princess. The day before Halloween A decides she rather go as Merida (princess from Brave). Okay the only thing we need is orange hair paint so we are able to do that. We decided to try straw curls to get Merida's super curly curls. Yep, you read that right curls set with straws. We took slightly damp hair and used about 40 flexible straws and tied them in her hair. We waited about 6 hours and then "set" them with a hair dryer on high for about 5 minutes, then we proceeded to take them out. Much to my surprise and amazement they made very bouncy and CURLY curls. I added a little hair paint and we had our Merida. Much to my displeasure, my husband gave her a real bow and arrows to go trick or treating with.
She kept stabbing me when she got too close with her straw curls.
Our next outing was out to Ft. Richardson in Jacksboro, TX. They were doing a civil war reenactment and I was really excited to go and experience this. It has been on my bucket list for a long time. It was great! Not only does the park still have 9 original buildings left to tour, but the actors set up camp for the weekend as if they were in the civil war. It was so cool. The actual battle was about 45 minutes and included mounted Calvary, foot soldiers, and cannons. Even my kids who were not very interested in this excursion beforehand, were excitedly telling us how much fun it was when we were leaving. I love when I can make school not only fun, but let them really experience it. This is the stuff that makes homeschooling fun!
D and T in front of a cannon that was fired in the battle reenactment. |
Notice the North and South Soldiers in the background separated. |
T having a blast defending our territory from the evil North. |
So glad public restrooms have changed! |
My first kid turns 21! |
So cool to experience this! |
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