This guy is special. Who needs to turn around? |
My new mantra this past two weeks has been "I hate spring". I have been absolutely miserable regardless of how much allergy medicine I take. But since misery loves company both D and A have decided to join me in my allergy misery. I assume allergies are so bad this year because of our very mild winter. Hopefully, we are almost through the really bad part.
Other than going through a billion Kleenex, we went on our Spring Family Camp Out with our Scout Family. It was on this trip we decided that regardless how much my husband loved his truck, it didn't work with our family. Our crazy dog had to ride loose because her kennel couldn't fit inside the cab. We had enough of being stepped on and DVD wires being ripped out so as soon as we could (literally the next day) we traded it in for a Ford Expedition. Unlike the Navigator, it has cloth seats so no more burning ourselves getting in the car in the summer months and Maisy can't claw it up. So far I really like it because we can keep her kennel in the back row and still have plenty of storage room. Luckily, we have a trailer so hauling things still won't be an issue. Other than trying to deal with the dog, our trip was a lot of fun. The kids love riding their bikes around with their friends and having lots of room to play.
We decided to go forward with our month long camping trip to Disney in the fall. Not sure how 26 days living in a pop up with 3 kids and an antisocial dog will work, but I guess we will figure it out. We are really excited, but also a little nervous. The longest we have been gone is about 2 weeks.
Our cat made it to her 22nd birthday, but unfortunately we are thinking about putting her down on Monday. She has suffered several strokes this weekend and she sounds like she is in immense pain. It is hard to think about her not being here since I have had her more than half my life and she has even lived here longer than my oldest child, but I can't stand to think of her suffering. The house will feel weird for awhile.
I love being able to get my own veggies fron the garden! |
T and his troop at the camp out. |
We had a blast camping with our Scout Family. |
We had to scrape our cute camping stickers off to trade it in.
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