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The Bunch Trip Day 4-9

Day 4
 I am glad we left Colorado Springs early for Albuquerque, NM. It still took more than four hours, we really liked being able to check in before lunch time and having the rest of the afternoon and evening to relax as we please. We really enjoyed the games at the KOA. The kids got pretty good at horseshoes. Our travel days usually do not allow for much down time so this day was really fun.
L takes horseshoes seriously.

Daddy does to!

 Day 5
Today we visited the New Mexico Museum of Science and History. T is really into dinosaurs right now so he was really excited about this visit. We spent the afternoon playing horseshoes and moose farkel. The dog got a bruise on her foot so we tried nursing her back to health. No more walks on asphalt for awhile. She pulls too much and cuts her feet up. So far she has been better than I thought she would be. She will bark at other dogs outside the trailer, but inside she just lies down and chews her bone. She unfortunately cut her tail from wagging it on everything when we get back after sight seeing, which gets blood on everything her tail touches.....which is everything a foot down in the trailer. Glad D suggest we pack the Spic n Span.
Showing the dino some love.

T could not get over how tall they could be.

He loves his dinosaurs.

Yep, moose farkel was the game of choice, of course it was also the only game.

Day 6
We went to the Albuquerque Balloon Festival this morning, which requires getting up at 4am and arriving at the festival by 6am. We ate breakfast and bought a bunch of stuff from the alpaca store because it was so cold. However, once the sun rose and the balloons launched it was worth it. It was really beautiful and a wonderful experience
Balloons glowing as they fill.

The first start to launch.

It was cold.

Literally, hundreds of balloons in the air.

Day 7
We made it to the Grand Canyon this afternoon and though we have yet to see the canyon IT IS GORGEOUS. There are elk and deer just walking around the campground. We also have a gopher right next to our site so the kids have fun trying to guess which hole it will pop his head out of next. It reminds me of Whack a Mole, but without the bat....hopefully!
That is deer at the end of the street, just walking around the sites

Day 8
We took the shuttle to the western part of the park early this morning, which was easy since we decided to maintain our time on this trip which is two hours earlier than here. The canyon was gorgeous and scary deep. those who take the mule rides down are crazy! It is quite chilly in the mornings, but feels great in the afternoon. Since we left so early, by their time, we missed most of the crowds, which was really nice since it was very busy for mid week in October! The dog's tail is still making the trailer look like a foot tall crime scene. I have never used so much Spic n Span.

Trying just about anything to keep the dog from painting the inside of the trailer red.

Day 9
I twisted my knee somehow and this has made getting around the steep and uneven ground treacherous at best. We still managed to do laundry. In the afternoon, we toured the canyon one last time and visited the village for some great souvenirs and a knee brace, which they did carry. We love this park, even though it was completely full: it still felt big, spacious, and peaceful. This is a beautiful place and we will return again one day.

A week and a half in and starting to get a little tired.

lots of fun here


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