We all eventually have to face our reality. We wrote off the fighting with each other as being a strong female. The raised hackles, they just have long feathers. I mean some girls have longer hair than others. The loud noise at all hours, she is just vocal. There were so many excuses, but we can't put it off any longer: the reality of The Bunch is that we are the proud owners of a flock of roosters. Not many people mention their rooster flock and this is with good reason. The boys are not only notoriously loud and aggressive, but also smelly. The new Rooster Lodge we stuck out in the back pasture took a good week to piece together. Now our 6 roosters live in an 8x8 coop while free ranging on about 3/4 of an acre or so. Our 4 hens live the life in the mansion that is 16x16 and without the noisy boys, they are enjoying the serene life. Why did we keep 6 roosters you ask? Well, the easy answer is we really tried not to. We looked everywhere to process them. We finally found one place that would, but he canceled twice because something better (read bigger and costlier) came in. We ran out of time and needed to separate the girls so we decided they could work bug control in the back pasture and serve as a dinner decoy if a hungry predator came so maybe my girls would be okay. This would have worked out great if they would venture more than 20 feet from the coop! I know we could have "processed" them ourselves, but GROSS! Maybe during the apocalypse, but right now the only chicken I eat is packaged neatly without a bucket of blood under it.
Rooster Lodge |
The house that took 2 days to piece together that they sleep ON TOP OF! |
The weirdest coloring, but also dumbest bird. |
Yes, I know how could I pretend that WASN'T a boy! |
Our boys. |
The Chick Mansion |
Life without the boys is so peaceful! |
Our sweetest girl loves to be held....just maybe not by the little boy who chased her around the pen to catch her. |
We were not able to make the Scout Family campout this year because my husband couldn't get off work and had to fly to Nebraska, but we did make it up there for the day on Saturday. The kids were able to see their friends and earn their badges. I always love camp out weekends, but they are definitely more fun when you actually camp out! We stopped by Paris and saw the Eiffel Tower with the cowboy hat, so Texas. They also had a super nice veteran memorial next it that we checked out. It was really nice especially for such a small town.
L uses her solar oven to make smores! |
T's new toy rifle vibrates and makes shooting sounds. |
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