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The Bunch Deal with Death and Trick or Treat

Our beautiful 3/4 acre rooster resort was NOT the blissful end for our roosters that we had envisioned. After only 3 days the dark ones, what we had come to acknowledge our 4 easter egger roosters as, became EXTREMELY violent with the  2 sweet roosters we had originally planned on keeping.  We couldn't have that so as the Queen of Hearts in Alice in Wonderland said, "off with their heads". D took that literally because we had plans for the meat. However, the kids were completely traumatized by the whole ordeal and would not stand for us eating what use to be their chicks, regardless of how mean they became, so it was just wasted meat .  Lesson learned. Kids cannot cuddle and name their dinner animals.  Our two remaining roosters have lived the past week and a half in blissfully harmony, just as rooster lodge was intended. The girls have still yet to lay their first egg, but hopefully will soon. So far, the chickens have just turned out to be glorified expensive pets.
The boys chillin in their dust bath together. They love each other. The gold one is our "special" rooster.

The girls livin the quiet and clean life without the boys,

We have one gift down so far. My poor husband cannot escape doing chicken stuff in his off time. We made my father-in-law a new chicken coop for Christmas, but gave it to him now so the chickens could escape ........the 90 degree November weather. In case it ever decides to get cold, his chickens now have shelter. I usually have a lot of ideas by now of what I want to do for Christmas, but so far I haven't thought of much. I like to get people things they really need and that we hopefully make for them (like my father-in laws coop) but this year has been really hard. I am running out of time to make things so it might just be gift cards this year.

A's face mask. Cute right?

Lovin the first taste of winter. It sleeted for an hour, you know the day before it was 94.

A and L made donuts. 

8U Flag Football Division Champs!

The kids enjoyed trick or treating this year as an Indian, a butterfly, and a character from the Divergent films. If I had seen the Divergent films, I could tell you who she was, but alas I can just tell you she looks like the actress on the poster in her room.  A hands out candy while T and L go door to door begging for candy. However, since moving to the country we are literally the only trick or treaters on the street and A ends up watching tv and enjoying quiet time while T and L reintroduce the street to Halloween etiquette.

A lot of walking for only 4 houses that participate.


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