Granted our taste of fall only lasted for 2 days so far, but at least we are moving towards cooler weather. It just isn't right to be in the upper 90's in October. Supposedly on Friday, there is a big cold front coming through and we will move from summer to winter temps for a few days, but I guess that is Texas weather for you.
We are getting ready to take the camper out for a few days and this will be the first time leaving the horses with our chicken sitters. They should be fine, but with animals, especially overly large determined ones, you never know what kind of trouble they can get into. The horse has been doing better...illness wise (she is still ornery). The vet prescribed an eye ointment that completely cleared up her infection and we hired a barefoot specialist to fix the hack job of the last farrier. As of yesterday, the horse was trotting around the back yard and NOT having any pain killers. I will be glad in a couple more weeks when we can exercise her again. She needs more structure. Now that she is feeling better, she is forgetting her manners and becoming pushy. She has also started biting our sweet little donkey. Yesterday, she ran over and bit the little donkey's neck for going near "her" water trough. Luckily, she didn't break the skin, but it really startled both D and I who were out there at the time petting her. I have kept an extra close eye on them today though and so far I haven't seen any issues with them. The chickens are starting to get their new feathers in and no longer are resembling something you would find in the frozen food section of your local grocer.
We went to a UNT volleyball game last week and it was a lot of fun. A really likes volleyball and for her birthday wanted to get tickets to a game. They played RICE and it was a pretty close game (except for the third set where UNT just kind of gave up). They could use more signage at UNT since a sign at the front of the street says the volleyball center is this way, but then they never tell you where and bury the building behind SEVERAL other buildings. The only way we found it was by driving around ALL the buildings (there are a lot) until we happened to stumble upon it, which by the way apparently the basketball team has their own building just for practicing (apparently they had signs for this, but not where games are actually being played for volleyball).
D trying out my father-in-law's new all terrain mobility scooter. |
The new baby bull...the kids call him "Marshmallow". |
We had fun. |
Most of the girls were about 6ft tall....and several wore knee braces. |
Everyone likes their Maisy time. |
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