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The Bunch Have A Lot Better Time in This Cold Snap and Get Covid Again

L and T had a snowball fight....kind of. More like an ice patty fight!

 This year when we heard that snow and ice was expected, we reacted the way every other Texan reacted after last year's debacle. We made all the preparations beforehand as if the electricity was going to be out for days again. We filled up about 40 gallons of fresh water jugs, brought the camping toilet in from the shed (remember no electric means we have NO water AND NO sewage), bought extra gas for the generator (which would not start in the freezing weather last year), brought in the propane stove, and preemptively put the chickens in the garage. It was horrible last year to discover we had needed to have done all these things beforehand, but that we hadn't. This year we had power the entire time the weather was bad and it made all the difference in the world. We could snuggle, watch movies, make hot chocolate, and have hot showers. All the extra time spent preparing for the worst wasn't needed, but I was still glad that we did. I would rather have things and not need them than need them and not have them!

It was pretty, but glad it only lasted a couple of days.

D stayed at my parents house during the storm so he would be close to work. T was my helper with the horses and discovered that icicles make different sounds depending on their length so he played "music" for me on our trips outside.

The gate froze shut so we were really happy the chickens were in the garage.

After we had the cold snap, we all came down with what I am sure was the omnicron variant of Covid. We did not test this time, but many people we were around tested positive for Covid. This illness was way different than last year's Delta variant. We never felt bad, there was no loss of taste or smell, no mind numbing 2 week long migraine, or extreme fatigue. We still did not have a fever or really a cough. I wish people would quit making that the end all be all for Covid. We have had it twice with no fever or cough. The worst part of it this time was our noses became so raw from all the nose blowing. After just a couple of days we were pretty much better and after a week we were completely ourselves again. It was not a big deal this time.

T's basketball is coming to an end and I have been enjoying the slower pace. However, he missed practice last week because he was ill and apparently a new game had been added. Unfortunately, I did not find out about this until only about 4 hours until the game time. We had planned out a fun Valentine's Day of bowling and movie watching, but instead had to quickly pack up and head out to West Lake for a game. T had to play a lot since it was a harder team, but even though it was his first time back playing since being sick he still did a great job. He was completely wiped out afterwards though and was just really ready to go home, shower, and sleep. Unfortunately, that was not in the plans. On our way home there is a one way light that took 10 minutes to wait at. After waiting for that we drove about 7 miles where there was a train stopped on the tracks. We waited there for almost 20 minutes before deciding to turn around, wait through the 10 minute one way light again and head a different way home. Basically, it took an extra hour to finally get home. His very last tournament (since his age group doesn't go to nationals) is next weekend. It is close to my mom's house so we won't spend hours in the car waiting between games. It will still be insanely loud, but at least we can walk around the mall or visit my parents between games.


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