Yes, it was as traumatic as it sounds. I have always told the kids to be extra careful every time they use the washer and dryer. For some reason our stupid cat likes to go into them while we are doing laundry. Normally, the door to the laundry room is closed, but when we have laundry day(Yep, it takes all day) we are in and out of the laundry room a lot and sometimes the cat slips in unnoticed. I was doing the laundry this week and as I was loading the dryer I noticed someone had left a tissue in their pocket and I became side tracked cleaning it out of the washer. At this point the cat must have decided to "investigate" the dryer. I finished cleaning the washer out, threw the rest of the laundry in the dryer, gave a once over for the cat, turned it on, and left to go find the cat. We ALWAYS get a visual on the cat when we do the laundry. I only made it about 4 feet from the laundry room when D, who was starting another load, asked me, "what on earth is in the dryer? A ...