There was another tall kid on T's team and it is always funny to look at the size difference in some of the teams. Believe it or not, some teams make even T look small, which I assure you is no small feat. He is gigantic. |
T had such a great time playing on his select basketball team. It was more of a time and financial commitment than I had anticipated. We really enjoyed watching him be a star point making player, but all the criss crossing across the state was a lot and tournaments were just crazy. We are all really looking forward to some down time to just relax and get a few things done around the house. T says he misses basketball already, but we need a break! They did place 3rd at regionals, which was fantastic. I still can't talk because I yell a lot at tournaments and it takes a few days to get my voice back. Next year, the team will be old enough to go to Nationals in Springfield, Missouri. I can't wait, not because I want to go to another tournament, but because we LOVE the Branson area of Missouri and we plan to turn his tournament into a vacation too.
L is excited about her upcoming 16th birthday. We are going to take her friends bowling and then she is having a sleepover. They should have fun. Me on the other hand will probably be super tired!
A is doing well in college and is slowly coming out of her shell and starting to get out more. She even went to a party last week that her church group had.
D and I attended a friend of his wedding and are just enjoying some down time at the house. It is really nice not rushing around all the time. I know I will probably miss it after T graduates in 4 years, but for right now the down time is amazing!
Noelle can open the cabinet enough to squeeze inside, but then the door shuts and she can't get out. Sometime later she starts crying for us to find her and let her out. It is NOT our most favorite game. |
We have had crazy amounts of birds. I just hope they eat a bunch of bugs. |
We celebrated my mom's birthday. My Dad is almost 80 and has been having a hard time getting around lately and it was nice to give her a little break and celebrate. |
My Dad did use a couple of canes to get up and visit with us for awhile while we were there. |
We had a nice time at the wedding and we were one of the longest married couples there! |
Serving breakfast at a wedding is genius! Not only is it less expensive, but it had tons of options for people with allergies. |
Of course, D loved the donuts! |
T's basketball goal finally blew down in the latest storm. We are going to get him another one this week. He can't go very long without a goal to play on. |
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