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The Bunch Replace T's Broken Basketball Goal and Enjoy Some Down Time


Maisy supports Ukraine.

T goes outside and plays basketball pretty much everyday.  I knew that we would not go very long without a goal. We found a really good deal on a portable goal at Wal-Mart and went to go pick it up. As most you know, EVERY WHERE is short staffed. Wal-Mart was hard to get help at before the employee crisis was here and now, like most places, is almost impossible to find help. We looked around for someone to help us and after finding no one, T and I pushed the box with our goal in it off the display pile and proceeded to push the very large box (T pushed and I pulled) to self checkout. We then pushed it out to the parking lot where D met us with the Expedition and loaded it in the back to head home. It was almost too big to fit, but we finagled it and managed to barely close the hatch and headed home. The reviews online said that it should take about 30 minutes to put together. That might be true if you assemble them for a living and actually know what you are doing! After working on assembling it for an hour the first night, it got dark and we decided to finish it the next day.  It took D about 3 more hours to finish it the next day and occasionally he had to get T to help him hold pieces. After D finally finished, he had the fun job of using his hack saw to level to remaining piece of the old goal (it had been in cement). That took another couple hours, but now T has his new goal up and he loves it, which was the important part. At least for the time being, I don't have to drive all over North Texas for basketball. I just have to deal with not being able to park in the cement driveway (I still have tons of gravel parking).  

We pulled and pushed through the entire store. We had some funny looks!

We noticed after we loaded it that there a huge gaping hole on the bottom. Luckily, no pieces fell out.

It took about 30 minutes to check if we did in fact make it home with all the pieces...which we did fortunately. 

D worked hard on putting it together?

T loves his new goal!

After much consideration, A decided to dye her hair pink. This time the color has stayed better and isn't turning the tub pink after every shower she takes even though it's the same brand and only a slightly different color than last time. She said she was a hit with her church friends. I am just happy the bathroom isn't stained pink. She is doing really well in school and seems to be happy.

It turned out really good.

Apparently, the hombre look is in.

L is planning her party for her 16th birthday. We are taking her friends bowling and then she is having a sleepover. Unfortunately, not all her friends can come so it will be a smaller party than she hoped, but it will still be fun. She bought some stuff for them to make their own bath salts and we're going to show a movie on the projector. She also planned to make chocolate drizzled popcorn,  macaroons, and crossiant sandwiches. 


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