T starts getting his garden ready. He planted onions this week and next week he will get his seeds in. |
I know it has been awhile since my last post. Sorry! We have been busy preparing for L's party and I just needed some down time. I found out at my last Rheumatology appointment that I have "visible signs" of osteoarthritis. My doctor was big on telling me "that while you are in the normal 'range' for developing symptoms, it is very rare for your age. You're an outlier". Basically, he was super surprised that he knew I already had it. It does make sense though. My rings had become hard to get on and off the past few months. I have complained about hip pain for what seems like forever. I am in so much pain if I walk more than about 3 miles in one session that I literally cannot do it, which seems weird when you look at me because I am obviously athletic. My wrists and fingers are sore and the first 15 minutes right after getting out of bed is brutal. My goal is to learn what slows the progression down and implement it because that could interfere with what D and I are able to do when he retires in 6 years. I still plan to see the country; it just might not include too many hikes. My hips and back let me know when I should stop doing something and rest for a bit. I am fine doing 30 minutes here and there, but things that take more than an hour I need to work on taking a few minutes to rest every hour.
L's party was fun! She had 3 friends go bowling with her and 2 come back to spend the night. Her older brother loaned her a game where you put inserts in your mouth to hold it open and then have to say a certain phrase. The other players have to guess what you are saying. Some phrases are easy and some are super hard...like anything that starts with a "B". The girls laughed hysterically for about 4 hours while they played this game. L had such a wonderful time with her friends. I am happy she enjoyed her special day.
L and her friends having fun bowling. |
L had ham and cheese croissant sandwiches to eat. |
They had so much fun playing this silly game! |
A and I learned that just watching other people bowl for an hour and a half is freakin boring! At least, L was having the time of her life so that made it a little more bearable. |
L reused some of the decorations that A had made for her own 16th birthday party. A was happy they were used again since she worked so hard on them. |
All good parties have a theme...L's was musicals. Especially fitting since she invited her church choir friends. |
T blew up about 28 balloons for L. He felt a little sick afterwards. |
D bought me some absolutely gorgeous roses! |
On her actual birthday, we, of course, took the day off of school. A even did extra school the day before so she could take off the day with us. We started the day in Denton at Amy's donuts. This place was crazy! They must have a hundred different types of donuts. Afterwards, L wanted to go shopping. I absolutely hate shopping for no reason so the girls generally pick to do this on their birthdays. I can't rush them along and they get to walk around and see what they want. We ended up at Ross, Ulta, and 5 Below. I was all set for a long horrible day of shopping, but it actually only took about an hour and a half. She wanted Rosa's for lunch so we had the taco plates and L was very insistent on the fact that for her birthday she wanted her very own pint of queso that noone else could have. We topped off the day by watching a movie that she picked and having cupcakes. It was a nice day.
Nothing like a little tornado the night before your 16th birthday. Luckily, it was about 4 miles from us. |
T was really sweet and got up early to make some more birthday signs for L. |
I can't believe she is 16! |
She opened gifts first. Sometimes she is still just the same little girl she has always been. |
She loves neopoltian astronaut ice cream. I have no idea why, but she asks for it every year. Thanks, Aunt P! |
The sash says "It's my birthday". Yes, she wore it out shopping all day. Ulta gave her a free gift for her birthday and random strangers told her happy birthday. Sometimes she is just like me. I would wear a sash too! |
So many donuts!!! |
This was our haul. |
Everyone seemed pleased with their choices. |
What did D and T do while the girls shopped? They waited for the security camera to show them and would do a dance. EVERY. SINGLE. TIME. for 15 minutes. How everyone just pushed their carts around them without so much as a smile or side eye I will never know!
Happy Birthday L! We love you!!! |
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