I only had 2 barely started zucchinis before we left for vacation. No rain. Six days with temperatures around 100 and no water ....AND THIS IS WHAT HAPPENED! We only were home a week before L and T left for church camp. I will say that saying church camp is probably misleading. You might imagine a vacation bible school kind of camp. You know, snacks, art, and a Bible verse. Well, this is that....on steroids....times 10000. This camp is an experience. The camp is called Falls Creek. It is in Oklahoma. It is legendary. This is THE largest faith camp in the country and it is easy to see why. It is basically its own christian based city. Activities are ALL day. Literally. Breakfast is at 8am and 11pm is bed. They not only have morning and evening worship, but also content specific sessions the kids can pick to attend. There is probably 50 different sessions they can pick from. There is also a ton of recreational activities. They can play on the basketball court, which T and his friend...