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The Bunch Go To Galveston: Day 1 and 2

It was finally here! The day we had been anticipating for over a month...the day WE LEAVE FOR VACATION!! We had planned it all so well. We would get up about 4am, feed the animals, gather the last few things we would need, load up the dog and cat, and be off on our week long adventure. Well, we did not even make it to the end of our street before things started going horribly wrong. The trailer brakes were NOT working.  We weren't sure what to do, but ultimately decided to try to make it to Galveston and get the brakes looked at there. We still had brakes on the tow vehicle, just no help from the trailer so stopping short would not be happening. Shockingly we hit no traffic in Dallas and very little in Houston so even though our anxiety was through the roof about not having the extra help for the brakes, everything went perfectly smoothly and we arrived at our RV resort around 1pm. While we don't like getting up so early to leave, we do like arriving early enough to still be able to go do things. Our RV resort had plenty for us to do so after we arrived we went to check out the pool and lazy river.

The cat did amazing on the car ride. She just laid down between the girls and slept the whole trip. T was in the very back row with the dog, who always travels well.

It was a pretty stressful trip with the brakes not working, but everything turned out fine.

We got excited to see the Houston skyline. We were almost to our hour later!

This was the only time we did the lazy river or pool. Once the kids discovered the ocean that was all they wanted to do.

The blind leading the blind on how to use the instant camera.

A gave up on both of them and just did it herself.😂

Day 2: We decided to go check out the beach that was next to our site and go walk around the strand in downtown. The first place L wanted to see was the chocolate factory. It was in an original building from the 1800's and was a chocolate lovers dream. They had everything from chocolate covered smores to ice cream. Needless to say we spent $60 on chocolates and ate every single one of them before we came back from our trip! They were so yummy! The girls also spent an hour checking out a boutique they liked. L ended up buying a skirt she really loved. It was actually really cool. This skirt had actual pockets in it! We also went to the visitor center and got a bunch of brochures for things we want to do. We already have a list going for next time! After our shopping excursion we decided to head to the beach and play for a couple of hours. The kids LOVED playing in the ocean! Even A, who hates the outdoors, said she enjoyed the ocean. We brought kick boards and paddle boards. The wind off the coast is crazy. It makes super fun waves for them to play on. However, I am insane about them staying close to shore. It was a high rip tide warning every day where we were so I would not let them go above their knees into the water, which meant with the waves the water reached their waist. They would ride the waves on their boards and then fight their way back to do it again. I was surprised none of them played in the sand. That use to be their favorite part of the beach, though L did spend some time looking for seashells.

We walked the dog around 8 am and it usually was already in the mid eighties. We just walked her from our campsite to the beach and back. The wind made it feel not too bad.

We had gorgeous views on our daily walk.

This was the entrance for cars to get on to the beach. We HAD to wash our car before we left so we could see out the windows on the way home. People who live here must constantly have to wash their cars. The wind and sand just leave a layer of grime EVERYWHERE!

The chocolate factory really understood us.

It was two stories and had so much to choose. Next time I am getting one of their 25 different flavors of candy apples.

We were all overwhelmed at all the choices.

We sat outside to enjoy our treats, but filled up pretty fast so we took most of them back to the camper to enjoy later and the girls moved over to the boutique to shop.

The boutique was neat and had a lot of photo options.

Including this wall of flowers 🌺(that was the skirt L bought)

T found something more fitting for him than a flower wall.

We had fun checking out the stores on the strand.

Most of the stores are in historic buildings that were fun to look at.

After a long hot day of shopping we were ready to play in the ocean, which was surprisingly warm, but NOT as warm as the lazy river and pool at the resort.

A and T probably played the most in the water.

D and I would just chill in our chairs and watch them. The breeze off the ocean felt pretty good.

The girls got Dad to help them take their photos. It was cute!

T just had fun being a boy.

***We also figured out on Day 2 that the wire that attaches the brakes to the adapter had come loose and just needed to be reattached, so we really did have brakes we just didn't know it! They worked perfectly on the way home, which was a really good thing since we had an incident leaving Galveston (more on that later).*** 


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