We arrived in Quitaque (kit a kway) in the early afternoon. I wasn't too sure what to expect, but because of the intense heat I was a little worried about our stay. We were too far out to spend the day indoors at museums or a water park. There was a lake in the park, but it was located in the area where the buffalo are allowed to roam. People do fish and wade in it, but I watched a buffalo drink from it and pee in it so I decided we would stay away from that. Lucky for me I didn't have to worry about it. The first night we were there we had a huge thunderstorm. I thought the tent would blow away. It didn't, but it poured all night. We woke up with some damp stuff, nothing too bad, but the best part was the weather. When it is cloudy in the desert, it is nice and cool. I am talking afternoon highs in the 60's. Of course, the kids whined because I had neglected to pack jackets, but it was still nice. Due to a lack of available options, we stayed around the campsite during our time here riding bikes, hiking, and playing on the playgrounds. We saw lots of neat animals. We saw a tarantula, a frog, bison, deer, a millipede, six striped lizard, dragon flies, and lots of other neat things. On one of our hikes we saw fresh coyote tracks and then heard an entire herd howl not to far off in the distance. That was a little scary. So far the only thing we do not like about camping is the 2 hour set up and take down and the fact that it never gets dark. The kids bed time has become about 9:30 or 10pm and the still get up at six. The canyon was a breath taking deep red. It was so beautiful here.
We arrived at the State Park entrance. |
We found the state herd on the way to our site! |
One of the two playgrounds in the park. |
We did about a two mile hike on this trail. |
D pointing out a lizard to T. |
The rock just crumbles in your hand, kind of scary. |
We finally found a cactus patch. |
One of the fresh coyote prints we found , just before hearing them. |
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