The Last Party!!!! Yay!!!! |

Birthday Celebration #4
We have finally celebrated with everyone L's birthday! Yay! No more birthday! L wanted a spring flowers theme so we decorated the house in artificial flowers and butterflies. It turned out really lovely. She is quite the inspiring chef and made a cookies and cream cake that was fantastic. She also made a homemade fruit dip and vegetable dip. She took the time to cut up and arrange the vegetables and fruit herself. She did a wonderful job and as a bonus I DON'T HAVE TO!
The weather has been formidable lately, but so far we have lucked out and the really nasty stuff has skirted around us. However, our yard is drowning! We have several "ponds" on the property now and while the birds have been enjoying their choice of a bathing area I just see a muddy mess where I have to wipe the dog's feet off EVERY time she goes outside. If it ever stops storming for a couple of weeks, we will plant grass so we will no longer have the mud pit. I will never understand how the previous owners only wanted a yard of weeds. It really is embarrassing. I literally only have different types of weeds and since we have begun treating the yard for weeds, I now mostly have dirt.
A was the first of the kids to sustain a gymnastics injury. Luckily, she just twisted her ankle a bit when landing on a jump and after a couple of days of ice and rest she was basically recovered.
Poor A could hardly walk for a couple of days. |
L started playing soccer this week. She had a double header right off the bat. She won one and lost one. However, she played well and was moved up to a starter on the second game. It is a coed team and she is one of 3 girls. She wanted neon pink socks and they make her so easy to spot on the field.
Love the pink socks! |
T built a building as tall as himself. |
We have become British Baking Show addicts and L carries it over to her playdough, |
Tristan plays too. This was apparently my self portrait. |
Of course, the well pump had to go out. The pump is conveniently located 380ft UNDER the well house. Guess what had to go! |
The hotel for rabbits has opened back up under our deck. This new one is smart so he might last a bit. He knows whenever the outside light comes on that death is coming out. I have noticed he has been getting a little brave lately and coming out midday so I guess we will see how long he can last. Never underestimate our dog's speed. The bodies have been piling up. We maybe single handedly feeding the vulture population. They sure are cute hopping around the yard.....at least until they eat my grapes then they must go!
He likes to come out early in the evening.
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